Taoist Festival

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Voigtlander said:
Any ideas and suggestion for documentary shoot in Singapore? :)

i have something in mind here......kelong/fishfarm photography......but guess is not easy as the kelong floats and moves.
formly i used to visit over at one of the kelong cum fish farm at pasir ris. just wonder if they do allow photography. i can contact the owner and see how it goes.....of course we need to pay them for the visit.:)

jesser said:
i have something in mind here......kelong/fishfarm photography......but guess is not easy as the kelong floats and moves.
formly i used to visit over at one of the kelong cum fish farm at pasir ris. just wonder if they do allow photography. i can contact the owner and see how it goes.....of course we need to pay them for the visit.:)

Hi Jesser,

Excellent idea! Could you inquire with the owner that is it possible that we do a documentary of the life on a Kelong? A 24hrs type of documentary? Payment is a must but how much would he want? :D


jesser said:
i have something in mind here......kelong/fishfarm photography......but guess is not easy as the kelong floats and moves.
formly i used to visit over at one of the kelong cum fish farm at pasir ris. just wonder if they do allow photography. i can contact the owner and see how it goes.....of course we need to pay them for the visit.:)

Hi Jesser,

Any news about the Kelong documentary shoot?


can't believe i actually missed this thread all along. great set, and even as a non-believer, i can see the dedication put into the event by the mediums.

Voigtlander said:
Any ideas and suggestion for documentary shoot in Singapore? :)
how about those beautiful colonial areas like those at Wessex Estate, Changi, Portsdown road, etc etc

hhhmmmmmmmmmmmmm this looks familiar :think: anyway, like what I said, great shots! Amazing what a rangefinder can do eh? ;)

hhmmm what's this kelong trip thingie?? sounds very interesting.. hmmmmmmmm

sehsuan said:
can't believe i actually missed this thread all along. great set, and even as a non-believer, i can see the dedication put into the event by the mediums.

Thanks so much for viewing the gallery sehsuan! Do you do documentary and reportage? :)

sehsuan said:
Voigtlander, yes I do. It's all over this section of the forums :D

Hi Sehsuan,

Had a look at your work, I like the netball championship shots best! Really could feel the action! Want to do some documentary project together? :)


sehsuan said:
Voigtlander, your PM box is full. Time to clear it! :)

Hi sehsuan,

Do PM me or give me a call at 91452865 when you are free so that we could discuss more on the proposed project. :)


Hi, I'd very much like to view the photos on pbase but it says the album is password protected...

Voigtlander said:
Hi sehsuan,

Do PM me or give me a call at 91452865 when you are free so that we could discuss more on the proposed project. :)


sorry Peter, not so soon. probably mid november ok? :)

Voigtlander said:
Hi, the password is in a post at the top of this thread. :)

Thanks! I missed it. Good story! :)

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