Tang Shooters XV: TCSS Thread...

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Wah, you all later BBB again? Too bad I can't join. 1st day of work staying back late liao. Tomorrow flying liao. Bag haven't finish packing also! :sweat::bigeyes::embrass:

Wah, you all later BBB again? Too bad I can't join. 1st day of work staying back late liao. Tomorrow flying liao. Bag haven't finish packing also! :sweat::bigeyes::embrass:

Have a good journey! :)....put on weight with the good food, see you in Weight Loss March. :bsmilie:

Have a good journey! :)....put on weight with the good food, see you in Weight Loss March. :bsmilie:

Haha, 4 days only, can put on how much weight? I hope the hotel's food is good though... Not much chance to eat out except maybe last day... :think::think: But eat out = own expenses :cry:

This is naka reporting live at OP ;p

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