Tang Shooters XLII: TCSS Thread...

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This paint work alone cost 2K.....the pink one cost 1.5K for the whole bike.

eh....tonight the thread move beli fast leh

:lovegrin:.. moi priced moi peekture of the artwork at $3k... butz chiu ish can downroad free BBButtie.. no sweat.....

Dun spray tong le can riao wait the car overheat :bsmilie:


ding dong never mind..scare fairy mistaken for insect and shoot macro..:sweat:

Wah must be secret macro shoot. Wait the monkey bite and run away with it.

Fren, we hv not met before, and I'm not a photographer. But I hv been involved in forums long enough to see the different faces in this virtual world. Forum is indeed much more scarier than the real world as all of us are doning maskes and known by nicks only. Nonetheless, being in a forum, we would expect good and bad reactions/comments from fellow members. Frens or foes they choose to be, we cant control. Or put in another way and I rephrase, ppl who post negative comments need not be against anyone (though a minority does post bad comments for the sake of seeing others flames up). However, my point is : expect reactions from ppl once u start talking/posting. Dun u feel proud and satisfied whenever ppl praises on ur words/works? Likewise, it's common to feel down and upset when negative comments are received. But again, these 'negative' comments are for good (if u look at it in any way). Improve, improve and improve. I'm sure tat u are definitely not gonna stop exploring new ways of shootings/PP when u receive praises. Thus, be it good or bad comments, take it lightly in heart but seriously in fixing the styles of ur creations... and I repeart, the STYLE of ur own CREATIONS. At times, it's not tat u dun hv taste.... it's juz tat ur taste doesnt suit some ppl. Then again, we cant satisfy everyone, right? Wats more important is satisfying urself. I believes tat u hv taken pride of ur works and am satisfied abt it urself before even posting them online. Tats a good start. Satisfy urself, den take the comments to improve upon it.

Before I end this long boring post of mine, here's a satisfying peek for chiu to ponder on. He ish will satisfy chiur needs and desires :bsmilie:


CHEERS! ... and I'll see u soon when opportunity strikes ;)

Wah lau, bro. Not this pic again.... :faint: :ipuke:

fwah artwork also can add power I ish ask my wife to spray hello kitty or Doremon liao :bsmilie:

dOlBy BBButtie... twy dishz... the bike owner ish de sei gotch add 18 bhp



BBB Session Wed 24th Sep

Sim Lim OP 6pm onwards, after dinner BBB@Sheares Technologies

1) dOlBy
2) StrifeYun
3) coolsigg (TBC)

"dOlBy: nakapi chiu ghosting loo ST with us?"

dOlBy BBButtie... twy dishz... the bike owner ish de sei gotch add 18 bhp



my gwad like that also can gain 18bhp? :sweat:

BBB Session Wed 24th Sep

Sim Lim OP 6pm onwards, after dinner BBB@Sheares Technologies

1) dOlBy
2) StrifeYun
3) coolsigg (TBC)

"dOlBy: nakapi chiu ghosting loo ST with us?"

Prease.. his namez ish de "Nakon".....:sweatsm:

butz..butz... chiu ish de not yetch leach puberty mah... gotch hair ????......:sweat:

sorwee, i ish porget i ish still beli young. same as Harry.

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