Switching to D90? Or wait?

Actually, even when a replacement model, for e.g. D90x is sold in shops here, the prices of D90 will remain steady. You won't see a drastic drop whatsoever. This is a trend that happens to all camera bodies.

FYI, d90 replacement will only be announced first quarter 2011. Even so the price won't drop as much as you expect it to be. =)

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Actually, even when a replacement model, for e.g. D90x is sold in shops here, the prices of D90 will remain steady. You won't see a drastic drop whatsoever. This is a trend that happens to all camera bodies.

wow. this is quite a good advise. haha. i didnt know this too

I think the answer is simple - buy it if you need it now.

D90 prices has already been lowered recently. That is why it is less than 1500 for the kit, compared to over 1600 previously.

A new replacement will not be priced at the current D90 price, it will priced at near RRP. When D90 kit was just released it was selling for 1988.

Yeah I know... The D700 too... But the prices might still drop when the replacement models are released right? Of course, the opportunity cost would be the period of time lost in waiting for the drop in price. lol.

Yeah I know... The D700 too... But the prices might still drop when the replacement models are released right? Of course, the opportunity cost would be the period of time lost in waiting for the drop in price. lol.

Prices of all camera bodies will drop irregardless. Look at any camera with no news of replacement (look at the O brand). Their prices still dropped. It is a matter of product lifecycle and demand/supply.

Prices of all camera bodies will drop irregardless. Look at any camera with no news of replacement (look at the O brand). Their prices still dropped. It is a matter of product lifecycle and demand/supply.

True. :)

Make an informed decision, and if you do buy a new camera, be contented with it. Prices change, newer and "better" stuff will always eventually be produced.

Hi people,

I am also not sure if i should wait for D90 successor or buy D90 now.
The D90 body only brand new is $1300+ now.
When the D90 successor is released, how much more will it be?
will it be $1998 when the D90 starting price was?
will the 2yrs of technology leap be compelling in the newer model?

This is the factors im thinking

If the newer model is $1998, my answer is clear. Ill get D90 now and use the spare cash to buy a useful flash and tamron 17-50 f2.8.

Im a NSF and like the threadstarter, i want every cents to be worth!

if u do need to shoot now or in near future then wait for the replacement and see the price different. Else u can consider a cheap used d40 or d60 to tide over this period.

I dun't think prices will drop drastically even after D90x(or whatever it's called) is launched. Personally, i'll just get a D90 and head out to shoot, simply because there simply isn't any strong indication the new model arriving anytime soon. why wait for something you dun even know when it'll arrive?
that $100 difference or so will buy you afew months of shooting joy.

It has been 2 years since D90 came out. i believe the D90 replacement might have killer features like ISO performance better than the pentax K-x and 550D movie quality. improvement on the already good d90. looking forward to it

usually even if for photokina, nikon will probably release the information weeks b4 it.. so , i think should just wait it out since its almost aug.. i have just sold my d90 hastily , abit regret haha no camera to use for 1-2months at least zz.

usually even if for photokina, nikon will probably release the information weeks b4 it.. so , i think should just wait it out since its almost aug.. i have just sold my d90 hastily , abit regret haha no camera to use for 1-2months at least zz.

good things are worth the wait. but well, if you are not going all high-end, i think its fine to get one and start enjoying it. price might be another thing which will make you wait even longer

yah. wait all you can and have lesser time to take photos. (from NNB).

Not true. Got my new D90 BO less than 2wks ago, paid slightly under S$1.2k. Needed a replacement body for my ageing D50.

End of the day, if you need a camera, get what you think is the best choice that suits your need. No point chasing the "latest model" as there's no end. Consumer electronic products will depreciate in value.

Hi people,

I am also not sure if i should wait for D90 successor or buy D90 now.
The D90 body only brand new is $1300+ now.
When the D90 successor is released, how much more will it be?
will it be $1998 when the D90 starting price was?
will the 2yrs of technology leap be compelling in the newer model?

This is the factors im thinking

If the newer model is $1998, my answer is clear. Ill get D90 now and use the spare cash to buy a useful flash and tamron 17-50 f2.8.

Im a NSF and like the threadstarter, i want every cents to be worth!

As long as what ever fits in your requirement and budget, get it. There is tomorrow, and next week, x model, y model, z model. There is never an end, and it will get cheaper for sure. Even u get say 2 months down the road, it could be cheaper by 50, then another 2 months later, cheaper by 30... there is never an end to it. Just stick to ur requirement and budget.

What's your decision now ?


Hi all,

was previously using a D60 and thought of upgrading to a D90.

But from my understanding, Nikon have a product recycle period of 24 mths (meaning new DSLRs launches every 24 mths). From the look of the launch of D700 and D90 (both in 2008 ard Sep), they might be launching soon?

I am contemplating of getting the D90 these few days, and need some advice as in should I wait further before I purchase it (wait for a dip in price for D90?)?

Hope advice will pour in.. Thanks. :)


If Ts still haven't buy his camera, he will still be waiting... Actually no point play the waiting game, initially I too was thinking of getting the d90 but was waiting for 5 months till got fed up andby the time, my budget already allow me to get my d300s, although some specs lose out to the d90 replacement(d7000), I'm satisfied with my d300s :)