Switching to D90? Or wait?


New Member
Sep 4, 2006
Hi all,

was previously using a D60 and thought of upgrading to a D90.

But from my understanding, Nikon have a product recycle period of 24 mths (meaning new DSLRs launches every 24 mths). From the look of the launch of D700 and D90 (both in 2008 ard Sep), they might be launching soon?

I am contemplating of getting the D90 these few days, and need some advice as in should I wait further before I purchase it (wait for a dip in price for D90?)?

Hope advice will pour in.. Thanks. :)


Why are you upgrading? Because you feel like buying a new camera? Or you think the features of the D90 will satisfy your needs better? If you are upgrading for the sake of upgrading, wait for the new camera. If you know what you really need and the D90 can satisfy you, the answer is clear. Then again, if you can wait, do you need a new camera to begin with. Not insinuating anything but photography goes way beyond owning the latest and greatest.

If they launch the new cameras in Aug/Sept, you can get a better deal from the IT fair during the same period I think.

Why are you upgrading? Because you feel like buying a new camera? Or you think the features of the D90 will satisfy your needs better? If you are upgrading for the sake of upgrading, wait for the new camera. If you know what you really need and the D90 can satisfy you, the answer is clear. Then again, if you can wait, do you need a new camera to begin with. Not insinuating anything but photography goes way beyond owning the latest and greatest.

The D90 features will definitely suits me better. And if I have a choice not to upgrade, I won't. Haa.. My camera was dropped and kinda crashed by my sister's mishandling. Even the lens is gone case. :cry:

Then my question is still relevant.....

Seems like you need to buy a new camera now so I don't understand why you are even considering to wait and see. Can you afford to wait for something which is no more than just a rumour? If you can, do you really need a camera to begin with?

Then my question is still relevant.....

Seems like you need to buy a new camera now so I don't understand why you are even considering to wait and see. Can you afford to wait for something which is no more than just a rumour? If you can, do you really need a camera to begin with?

Hmm.. I get your point.

My mind is actually set on the D90, but was actually thinking if the price will dip drastically come aug/sep.

Just a typical student mindset on whether to hold on for a while before getting or get it now. O_O

Hmm.. I get your point.

My mind is actually set on the D90, but was actually thinking if the price will dip drastically come aug/sep.

Just a typical student mindset on whether to hold on for a while before getting or get it now. O_O

you may wait for the replacement. but doesn't mean a new camera would be that good. And you end up wait for more reviews and more discussions of the new replacement. Then price of new replacement also wait for it to drop lah. :bsmilie:

Prices are dipping in small quantums on a monthly basis, maybe a significant drop would happen when the successor model gets announced (if it ever gets announced, since till now, it's just rumors flying all over the community).

More importantly, how long are you will to wait in order for the price to hit your desired level? IF the price does dip by a hundred bucks or two in Sept, would you deem it as worth the purchase delay? Versus what you may be missing out in this coming months if there were events that you want to take shots of? Maybe you would have saved a little more by then and obtained a more comfortable budget to afford for an extra accessory?

It's a case of opportunity cost. You do the evaluation and make your own final decision :) We're just here to await your rejoining of the dark side.

The D90 is a decent and really popular model in the DX market. Hey, would you even consider taking up offers from people who are releasing their systems in the BnS section?

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Then my question is still relevant.....

Seems like you need to buy a new camera now so I don't understand why you are even considering to wait and see. Can you afford to wait for something which is no more than just a rumour? If you can, do you really need a camera to begin with?

I think to the TS, it is not a matter of life and death, that he must get a cam now.

As he had mentioned, he is a student and wants to make every cent counts. So if a new cam is within reasonable wait, he would get the new one, presumably with better features, making the new cam a more value-for-money buy.

So the question should be what is a "reasonable wait." It is an issue of opportunity cost. Either you shoot now, or waste the time now waiting. Because he has his point in the 24mths renewal cycle.

Prices are dipping in small quantums on a monthly basis, maybe a significant drop would happen when the successor model gets announced (if it ever gets announced, since till now, it's just rumors flying all over the community).

More importantly, how long are you will to wait in order for the price to hit your desired level? IF the price does dip by a hundred bucks or two in Sept, would you deem it as worth the purchase delay? Versus what you may be missing out in this coming months if there were events that you want to take shots of? Maybe you would have saved a little more by then and obtained a more comfortable budget to afford for an extra accessory?

It's a case of opportunity cost. You do the evaluation and make your own final decision :) We're just here to await your rejoining of the dark side.

The D90 is a decent and really popular model in the DX market. Hey, would you even consider taking up offers from people who are releasing their systems in the BnS section?

I went through the section in BnS, and they are about the price of a first hand, some with no warranty while some left with a couple of months.

A 1st hand D90 with 18-105mm kit lense, bundled with a tripod, a 8gb card and a camera bag cost SGD$1470.

That's why thought of getting a first hand one instead.. O_O

I think to the TS, it is not a matter of life and death, that he must get a cam now.

As he had mentioned, he is a student and wants to make every cent counts. So if a new cam is within reasonable wait, he would get the new one, presumably with better features, making the new cam a more value-for-money buy.

So the question should be what is a "reasonable wait." It is an issue of opportunity cost. Either you shoot now, or waste the time now waiting. Because he has his point in the 24mths renewal cycle.

Thanks gymak90. I am kinda fixed on D90. But not sure how the effect on the price of the D90 will be when the announcement of the new camera is being released.

Like what u mentioned, I just wanna make my money worth.. :)

I think to the TS, it is not a matter of life and death, that he must get a cam now.

As he had mentioned, he is a student and wants to make every cent counts. So if a new cam is within reasonable wait, he would get the new one, presumably with better features, making the new cam a more value-for-money buy.

So the question should be what is a "reasonable wait." It is an issue of opportunity cost. Either you shoot now, or waste the time now waiting. Because he has his point in the 24mths renewal cycle.

Well, if you think waiting for a camera which is not even announced yet is reasonable, then by all means.....

Thanks gymak90. I am kinda fixed on D90. But not sure how the effect on the price of the D90 will be when the announcement of the new camera is being released.

Like what u mentioned, I just wanna make my money worth.. :)

I understand your concerns but you've got to realise that these electronics will depreciate to close to nothing in time to come. Probably, the best way to realise their worth is through their usage.

Perhaps you want to consider getting a used unit.

I understand your concerns but you've got to realise that these electronics will depreciate to close to nothing in time to come. Probably, the best way to realise their worth is through their usage.

Perhaps you want to consider getting a used unit.

Yup. Do realised that gadgets will start depreciating once I paid for it over the counter. :)

Just that if 1-2 mths the price drop drastically my heart will fell drastically too! Haa..

I am also flipping thr the BnS section in hope of getting a good deal too.

And I do get where u are coming from Kit. It meant good. :)

I say get the D90 now.
You dont know if there really might be a replacement for D90 anytime soon.
How long do you think your new camera will last you? 2 yrs ? 3 yrs? 10yrs? There are people still asking for D70, D80..
D90 is a very good camera to have. But we have to look at the company's point of view as well.. If a D90x is to be announced, it must be better than a D90 but not as good as a D300s. I dont want to rant of the advantages of a D300s here but the amount of room for improvement for the D90x would be quite minimal. You wont lose much even if you get the D90 now.

One reason I would wait for a D90/D700 replacement would be when they are announced, the prices will fall. I feel that the specs of D90/D700 is very competent already and the newer specs are kinda expected, like probably more megapixels? better video? better noise handling?

One reason I would wait for a D90/D700 replacement would be when they are announced, the prices will fall. I feel that the specs of D90/D700 is very competent already and the newer specs are kinda expected, like probably more megapixels? better video? better noise handling?

D90 prices has already been lowered recently. That is why it is less than 1500 for the kit, compared to over 1600 previously.

A new replacement will not be priced at the current D90 price, it will priced at near RRP. When D90 kit was just released it was selling for 1988.

I say get the D90 now.
You dont know if there really might be a replacement for D90 anytime soon.
How long do you think your new camera will last you? 2 yrs ? 3 yrs? 10yrs? There are people still asking for D70, D80..
D90 is a very good camera to have. But we have to look at the company's point of view as well.. If a D90x is to be announced, it must be better than a D90 but not as good as a D300s. I dont want to rant of the advantages of a D300s here but the amount of room for improvement for the D90x would be quite minimal. You wont lose much even if you get the D90 now.

You cannot compare like that. The Dxxx series offers many features the Dxx series don't. Some people still favor D200 more than D90, even when the D200 is a generation behind.

Thanks gymak90. I am kinda fixed on D90. But not sure how the effect on the price of the D90 will be when the announcement of the new camera is being released.

Like what u mentioned, I just wanna make my money worth.. :)

making ya money worth eh... errr...

anyways, the d90 is a good a very good camera, dont think the price will drop further when u can get a kit for less than 1500 compared to a few months back,

just get it, and dont bother abt newer models, :):)

I'm also a student and I dun survive on my camera's shutter. LOL. If you foresee no important events in the future that you must use a DSLR, you can definitely afford to wait and see. If you still decide to get the D90. good for you as the price could be even lower but not much. It also depends on what are your interests in photography and what you are using it for. Alot of times, you could get away with using a PnS at group outings. Your friends wouldn't complain that the bokeh isn't nice because you're using a PnS. Whether to get it now or not, is a personal decision.