Suprise from Canon!


Senior Member
Jan 17, 2002
South Pole with Penguin
Got a registered mail from Canon yesterday, and I was shocked to find a "IXUS 200 IS" inside


Photo taken with iphone4 ;p

it a thumbdrive right
not bad quite nice haha
take more pic of it ... it look like a real thing

how come i didn't get one...

even if thumbdrive oso not bad what~!! quite nice!!

Seriously... Why did they send it to you?

Wonder where I can get one... Looks really cool =)

get from taking part servey right :p

got mine. but think also random ? dunnoe .... TS should also be a CPS member.
or issit i register too many camera's liao hahahaha (kidding)

err...never....never join any lucky draw or canon workshop/events

never visit canon service center for more than 1 year also

Maybe that's why you got it. Dun disturb us, we'll give you something.;)

The build quality is good enough to look like an actual Ixus in the photo :bsmilie:

i also got the same thumb drive... this is a free gift from Canon (for CPS members only) after you'd done their online survey.

Nice nice