super panaromic shot of orchard rd

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vagabond said:
Hmm.. maybe we can start countdown say from 20 secs b4 firing time. We can all sync our watches, but we also verbalise our countdowns so that we can be sure that we're all counting down to the same time. It'll be interesting too to hear one whole row of photogs all counting down Orchard Rd. :bsmilie:

it'll be like counting down to new year!

Zplus said:
Wow! Sounds like a grand effort!!! It might just work!
Unfortunately, I only have digital.

Dennis, mind if we start a digital effort one as well? I think quite a few here might not own film cams. :D

Good effort! :thumbsup:

ha ha ha :bsmilie: I know quite a few here might not own film camera. But I also know there quite a few here who own more then 1 film camera :bigeyes: , like me, 4 film slr :embrass: .

You can use 1 of the 4 if you want.

just interested if you have checked out the application for police permit and whether its going smoothly, haha cos if no permit = no shoot :sweat:

zhangyb said:
just interested if you have checked out the application for police permit and whether its going smoothly, haha cos if no permit = no shoot :sweat:

can still shoot, we can always shoot ck tang at wisma in the public. :D

Thanks for reminding. :thumbsup:
I will apply for police permit once we have got concrete plan.
Anyone has idea as to how long they take to process?

weevil84 said:
hahaha.. but the mass countdown will certainly boost "publicity"!!

haha.. yeah.

Tho actually we don't necessarily need to shout lah. We just need to countdown loudly or visibly enough so that our neighbours can follow. If anyone's off-timing, at least he/she can correct it looking/listening to his/her left or right.

wow, not much you can do in sg without having to apply for permission from someone or other....

....permit is required for any assembly or procession of 5 or more persons in any public road, public place or place of public resort intended:
(c) to mark or commemorate any event.
end quote

this covers alot. if i get together with 4 friends to mark the end of exams, i'd probably need a permit! :bsmilie:

obviousdude said:
wow, not much you can do in sg without having to apply for permission from someone or other....

....permit is required for any assembly or procession of 5 or more persons in any public road, public place or place of public resort intended:
(c) to mark or commemorate any event.
end quote

this covers alot. if i get together with 4 friends to mark the end of exams, i'd probably need a permit! :bsmilie:

Well, it's usually not a big deal.... until ppl start to complain. It's kinda more to 'legalise' ur gathering just in case someone have problem with it.

denniskee said:
Thanks for reminding. :thumbsup:
I will apply for police permit once we have got concrete plan.
Anyone has idea as to how long they take to process?

depending on wat application, just an example, a fund raising kind of permit takes around 2 - 3 weeks for approval... so u might like to call up CID to check out how soon they can process n approve such an application for the relevant permit. And yar, CID handles permits application at least to my limited knowledge...

zhangyb said:
depending on wat application, just an example, a fund raising kind of permit takes around 2 - 3 weeks for approval... so u might like to call up CID to check out how soon they can process n approve such an application for the relevant permit. And yar, CID handles permits application at least to my limited knowledge...

Waa... CID ah... Need to go through SSB not huh? or OCB? Sounds scary leh... :think: :bsmilie: :bigeyes:

After a discussion with a friend of mine, realise we may face some problem if the actual shoot is in Dec. There will be tentage (temp stalls) along the path way where the cameras is to be set (wisma & ngee ann city side). Police may not approve the permit, but will still try if all are agreeable to shoot in Dec.

Would like to hear from you guys on this issue.

denniskee said:
After a discussion with a friend of mine, realise we may face some problem if the actual shoot is in Dec. There will be tentage (temp stalls) along the path way where the cameras is to be set (wisma & ngee ann city side). Police may not approve the permit, but will still try if all are agreeable to shoot in Dec.

Would like to hear from you guys on this issue.

Hey Dennis 1 more thing... I surveyed the site... There are some bushes along the pathway... So how? What will the minimum tripod height required be?

since u all have done a preliminary survey i suggest that an actual survey is done by plotting a rough sketch of the site that is to be covered, the bushes etc that have been mentioned by acrylonithrill so that the participants will have a better picture of the positioning of the cameras etc.

1) denniskee (eos cam - 4, lens covering 50mm - 3)
2) alvin
3) nightwolf75 (eos300D with 50mm/f1.8, and Pentax MZ-7 with 28-90mm)
4) arttl (PM me for the details!!)
5) madmacs (eos - 2, lens cover 50mm - 2)
6) Nathanlogic (eos cam - 2, lens covering 50mm - 2)
7) dolpjki
8) Andi1704
9) weevil84 (eos66, 28-80, 50mm f.14)
10) wingless84 (PM :p)
11) tagore (PM me time and date +arrangements) Dynax 800si 50mm F1.4
12) nostalgia
13) sumball
14) acetylcholine (pending the shooting dates)
15) vagabond (pending time & date)
16) di0nysus
17) tempest (pending date+details)
18) quekky
19) keithjhee (eos cam - 2, lens covering 50mm - 2)
20) jimtong (need more detail on actual date)
21) Einstein (pending date & details )
22) Gary (2 X minolta X700 + 1 X 50mm, 1 X 35-70; 1 X Nikon F90X with auto timer, 1 X 50mm + 1 X28-70mm) please keep me inform.
23) acrylonithrill [louis] {Hey Dennis, I'll be firing 1 of your camera or use my POS camera...?}
24) Terence (pending date)
25) foxtwo (1xfm2n+1x50mm) pending date

Wai said:
dont really need to be 35mm prime

can be 17-40, 28-70, or even 28-200....probably more pple own mid-zoom then 50mm need to restrict just to one lens right? :dunno:
i dun have any 35mm in my range of film lenses ;p

only got 1 prime n 70-300 ;p

1) denniskee (eos cam - 4, lens covering 50mm - 3)
2) alvin
3) nightwolf75 (eos300D with 50mm/f1.8, and Pentax MZ-7 with 28-90mm)
4) arttl (PM me for the details!!)
5) madmacs (eos - 2, lens cover 50mm - 2)
6) Nathanlogic (eos cam - 2, lens covering 50mm - 2)
7) dolpjki
8) Andi1704
9) weevil84 (eos66, 28-80, 50mm f.14)
10) wingless84 (PM :p)
11) tagore (PM me time and date +arrangements) Dynax 800si 50mm F1.4
12) nostalgia
13) sumball
14) acetylcholine (pending the shooting dates)
15) vagabond (pending time & date)
16) di0nysus
17) tempest (pending date+details)
18) quekky
19) keithjhee (eos cam - 2, lens covering 50mm - 2)
20) jimtong (need more detail on actual date)
21) Einstein (pending date & details )
22) Gary (2 X minolta X700 + 1 X 50mm, 1 X 35-70; 1 X Nikon F90X with auto timer, 1 X 50mm + 1 X28-70mm) please keep me inform.
23) acrylonithrill [louis] {Hey Dennis, I'll be firing 1 of your camera or use my POS camera...?}
24) Terence (pending date)
25) foxtwo (1xfm2n+1x50mm) pending date
26) radioactive28 (FA with Tamron A2 28-135) (pending date)

I'm a newbie, hope to learn from all the regulars and pros. That OK?

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