Super Import Nights official thread!!

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Ok, I think I've got it figured out ...



Many apologies for the screw-up. Once again, comments are welcome!

Disspite most of your shots are very noisy.... too high ISO?? I still like it because You brighten up my day by capturing pic #1.

Ok, I think I've got it figured out ...


Many apologies for the screw-up. Once again, comments are welcome!

This is the best of the lot, great attention from the last girl with a nice depth of field :lovegrin: Gives you the feeling like she is trying to tell you something......Phone No. Please :lovegrin:

Hey anyone met this bully there??

Hey bro,i also took photos of him wow.Felt that he is very yaya papaya
very pround(Old Ah beng):blah:He is the organnise there.By the way the digital
cam he using is jeri lee camera he helping Jeri Lee to take pic i guess.While another guy,if
you notice(Long hair,with black spec and tall guy,he's also 1 of e emecc) is ok.I did
have some unhappy incident with 1 of e worker there,while paying for the autography
photos of Jeri after signing.Jeri gave e calander & magazine for free and the gal there
ask me to pay for it.Almost get into a fight with her and the Indian thin guy.While the guy behind me just pay $10 for 1 photo + free calander&magazine.Lucky for the host settle for me after that...:thumbsup:Brother we are all guyz man,have to give and take sometimes,right?:)

Hey anyone met this bully there??

Photos inside :sticktong

Hi everyone, you guys might have seen me as the official photographer for the event. I just wanna say a few things here.

First of all, the compact camera was not his. Its Jeri Lee's. She asked him to take pics for her. She asked me to help her quite a few times too. That's why i recognise the red camera.

Secondly, if you were one of the gals, imagine what it would be like if there were no security protecting you? The photographers would be stamping over you in an instant! Literally!
I understand that many of you did not intentionally push forward. But many people at the back are trying to get closer to the gals to see them or to take a pic. Naturally, the entire crowd surges forward. The security people are having a very tough time trying to keep the crowd at bay. Trust me--its no easy feat.
Seriously, can't we all just take a couple of shots and move out of the way so that others have a chance too? All Singaporeans right? kiasu right? lol....Nothing against Singaporeans...I'm one too!!

So guys, pls stand in their shoes and try to understand their difficulty. They have a job to do.

Hi everyone, you guys might have seen me as the official photographer for the event. I just wanna say a few things here.

First of all, the compact camera was not his. Its Jeri Lee's. She asked him to take pics for her. She asked me to help her quite a few times too. That's why i recognise the red camera.

Secondly, if you were one of the gals, imagine what it would be like if there were no security protecting you? The photographers would be stamping over you in an instant! Literally!
I understand that many of you did not intentionally push forward. But many people at the back are trying to get closer to the gals to see them or to take a pic. Naturally, the entire crowd surges forward. The security people are having a very tough time trying to keep the crowd at bay. Trust me--its no easy feat.
Seriously, can't we all just take a couple of shots and move out of the way so that others have a chance too? All Singaporeans right? kiasu right? lol....Nothing against Singaporeans...I'm one too!!

So guys, pls stand in their shoes and try to understand their difficulty. They have a job to do.

Hey bro,know that's you...:bsmilie:Yuh i know that's jeri camera cos she asked me to help her too.Understand this..:)the suitation during the time was chaotic man,specially when they
went to the racing car game to have a game,worse.:cry:Overall :thumbsup: for the event

Work love to see some of your great work. DO post them in CS here ;)

he MIGHT not be able to, if the contract terms with the event organisers are stated as such.. but i do look forward to his posting if he's going to do so.. ;)

Wah... you popular liao... I also got a few shots of you...

omg!! so many stalkers!! hahaha... :sweat:

Hey bro,know that's you...:bsmilie:Yuh i know that's jeri camera cos she asked me to help her too.Understand this..:)the suitation during the time was chaotic man,specially when they
went to the racing car game to have a game,worse.:cry:Overall :thumbsup: for the event

thanx for your understanding dude =)

Work love to see some of your great work. DO post them in CS here

unfortunately, i can't. i have an agreement with the organisers. Sorry dude. Hope u understand

omg!! so many stalkers!! hahaha... :sweat:

thanx for your understanding dude =)

unfortunately, i can't. i have an agreement with the organisers. Sorry dude. Hope u understand

SO how are we able to view the works of the 'Official' photographer ?

SO how are we able to view the works of the 'Official' photographer ?

Well, perhaps when I finally get off my lazy bum and start doing up my portfolio, you guys can take a look at them. Hahahaha...
The organisers were generous enuf to allow me to use some of the pics for my portfolio =)

Well, perhaps when I finally get off my lazy bum and start doing up my portfolio, you guys can take a look at them. Hahahaha...
The organisers were generous enuf to allow me to use some of the pics for my portfolio =)

SO when can we get a peek;)

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