Sunsets - Post your favorite sunsets photo here!!!

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i love gremlin's one too! can tell us more, like your exif, the time etc?

beivied said:
i love gremlin's one too! can tell us more, like your exif, the time etc?

Some very awesome shots here!

My faves are gremlin's, electrin's and streetshooter's.

Generally those pixs taken on the west side of SG doesn't work for me because there's too much industrial structures captured in the pixs. Sometimes, there's even smoke coming out of the chimneys... makes the pix look 'polluted'.

zha said:
Some very awesome shots here!

My faves are gremlin's, electrin's and streetshooter's.

Generally those pixs taken on the west side of SG doesn't work for me because there's too much industrial structures captured in the pixs. Sometimes, there's even smoke coming out of the chimneys... makes the pix look 'polluted'.

No choice, SG don't have much good spot for sunset.... :(

First time trying sunset. Do give your comment on improving it.




My first sunset.

here's mine...


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