Stupid Singaporeans, lets all help our FT to integrate

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When in Singapore if you are not prepared to drop your cockney twang and embrace Singlish, you are in serious trouble.

You change yourself. Singapore and the traffic flow won't change and don't have to change because of you.


Much like the old saying - When In Rome, Do What The Romans Do :bsmilie:

While I agree the AngMor is correct in pointing out the fault of S'poreans.... I totally disagree with the method or words used. You do not stay in the House of your Host and yet use such language to criticize the host... unless u plan to leave asap.

Which could be why we complaint about 'Chinaman/woman' or any other FT here.... but would keep quite when we are over there, in China.

Then Clubsnap would be like a Japanese train without the men with busy sweaty hands. :bsmilie:

"Kopitiam" vs "Buy and Sell" forums, "Kopitiam" vs "Buy and Sell".... forums.... hmmm very hard to see which one is more beneficial.. :D

Some years back I used to cycle in London.. One morning got whacked by a car. She got off only to check whether her car was ok (it was not.. :sticktong thank God I was not hurt..).. Her "Didn't see you while turning" and can't be bothered with you just shocked me. I just cycle off and left her there inspecting the scratches...

Respect others and also ask to be respected. Does it really matter local or foreign, pedestrian or car driver or cyclist, Nikon or Canon (oops I forgot the Sony!)?

But seriously.... what's this all about?!

-- Marios

This reminded me of someone probably a white guy by the sound of it who used to post here.

Everytime he wrote about Singapore he complained this was not good lah and that was not good lah. Hear also sian.

Why was he in Singapore if he was so happy there? There are so many countries in the west a upwardly mobile professional can go to with the right qualifications or home is always greener.

When in Singapore if you are not prepared to drop your cockney twang and embrace Singlish, you are in serious trouble.

You change yourself. Singapore and the traffic flow won't change and don't have to change because of you.


Very well said indeed :thumbsup:

Simple, straight-to-the point, non-philosophical, non-confucian and not self-righteous :heart: :kiss: :heart:

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You change yourself. Singapore and the traffic flow won't change and don't have to change because of you.


that is a fair comment.

the world is hardly a good enough place for any of us.

that said, a wise man also once said that if criticism was given, and there was truth in it, we should look less on the approach (though yes, criticism on the approach is also fair enough).. and gain the truth from it and work on it. that is the way to progress.

but then again, no one's that perfect. :)

to the one who wrote this article " if you are really so good, then why are you with us in the first place ? no one force you to be here "

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Beside stupid, this angmo is a great coward trying to lick the boots of China, Malaysia & India
Up for Asia:thumbsup:

If we are stupid Singaporeans how are we able to build a Nation that attract FT.

without FTs, i don't think singapore would be where she is now. if you take out all the FTs from singapore, i wouldn't want to imagine what state she will be in.

btw, we always labeled the ang-mohs here as 'chow ang-moh'. if that ang-moh is a singaporean, would we still labeled him as 'chow ang-moh'? so is it that only singaporeans are a great bunch of people and the rest are otherwise?

to the one who wrote this article " if you are really so good, then why are you with us in the first place ? no one force you to be here "

that's right... no one force him to come here. but the thing is, he came, he experienced life here and he commented on it (the negative side of living in singapore). he is not wrong in writing that article. everyone has the right of opinion.

it's like singaporeans always mentioned that JB is a dangerous place to go to... but wtf... they still go there in throngs. double standard? on one hand, criticize like F***, on the other hand... still go because things are relative cheaper there. it's the same thing... nobody force singaporeans to go to JB... but they still go.

so are you trying to say that singaporeans have every right to criticize others while others cannot do the same about singaporeans?

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without FTs, i don't think singapore would be where she is now. if you take out all the FTs from singapore, i wouldn't want to imagine what state she will be in.

btw, we always labeled the ang-mohs here as 'chow ang-moh'. if that ang-moh is a singaporean, would we still labeled him as 'chow ang-moh'? so is it that only singaporeans are a great bunch of people and the rest are otherwise?

Ya many countries cannot go on without FT, even cities like Shanghai & Bejing also need FT from other outlying provinces.
I like your label "chow ang-moh":thumbsup::thumbsup:

Why not?

I think the world is too good a place for a humble man like me with little means and little needs.


you can easily, easily find something if you wish, to be unhappy about with the world.

anyone of us can.

the difference is seeing that the world is not just a half-full glass, not just a half-empty glass, but both. acknowledging that it is flawed is just as important as seeing the good in it, else we are just delusional.

If the one who wrote the article had been a Singaporean, would he have faced a similar degree of criticism?

Telling him to get out of Singapore since he has so much complaints about it is a weak argument, IMO.

It's basically saying that Singapore should remain in this moribund state.

In fact, I think this issue might wake up the ideas of Singaporeans. It might be a blessing in disguise after all.

Then again, considering how apathetic(or rather bochup) most Singaporeans are...

I like your label "chow ang-moh":thumbsup::thumbsup:

btw, it's not my label... i'm just quoting what i heard from singaporeans themselves... from executives to taxi uncles.

If the one who wrote the article had been a Singaporean, would he have faced a similar degree of criticism?

Telling him to get out of Singapore since he has so much complaints about it is a weak argument, IMO.

It's basically saying that Singapore should remain in this moribund state.

In fact, I think this issue might wake up the ideas of Singaporeans. It might be a blessing in disguise after all.

Then again, considering how apathetic(or rather bochup) most Singaporeans are...

i think singaporeans can't take it when reality bites.

It's about peaceful co-existence and mutual tolerance. :)

I humbly think that the discussion start had more to do about getting around a big city rather than anything else. Had the original writer thought for a minute before start writing, difficulties in moving around exist / existed in any big city for a very long time. Even standing in Japanese trains as you rightly pointed out.

-- Marios

that's right... no one force him to come here. but the thing is, he came, he experienced life here and he commented on it (the negative side of living in singapore). he is not wrong in writing that article. everyone has the right of opinion.

it's like singaporeans always mentioned that JB is a dangerous place to go to... but wtf... they still go there in throngs. double standard? on one hand, criticize like F***, on the other hand... still go because things are relative cheaper there. it's the same thing... nobody force singaporeans to go to JB... but they still go.

so are you trying to say that singaporeans have every right to criticize others while others cannot do the same about singaporeans?

there's chinese saying " your fingers feel better when bend in, not bend out ... " of cos.. every family man will defend for his own family lah :lovegrin:

you can easily, easily find something if you wish, to be unhappy about with the world.

anyone of us can.

I would find it hard to find one simple reason to be unhappy about with the world.

But I can easily find one hundred reasons to be happy about with the world.


And then there are the cyclists. I can almost forgive the stupidity of the children, but the parents are negligent, and obviously have no care or love for their children. They let them ride off on learner bikes unaccompanied and without road sense. They stop suddenly, turn suddenly, without understanding the big white guy on the bike behind them will crush all the life out of them if they hit. Warning: if I have a choice between me and your little darling being hurt, it ain’t going to be me. Keep them close, teach them not to be little ****wits.

And pay attention when you ride. Don’t stop in the cycle lane. In bunches. Or turn your bike perpendicular to the lane (that’s a really smart thing to do. Typically teenage girls. And these little bitches will be driving cars soon. I can only hope they have been killed off before they have the chance to do real damage. Or procreate).

LOL! Despite the coarse language, I have to agree with his points, especially the East Coast Park kids and their numbskull parents. I suppose these parents are huge believers of Darwinism :bsmilie:

well why doesnt he go to other countries where most of the people cycle on the road. or walk pass the street without taking care of the cars etc. they are stupid too right?

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