Strobe light for S70

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I am quite new at this as well but here are some discoveries (or learning from mistakes...)

The other way to get good colors when diving underwater is to adjust your white balance. I bring a white piece of white plastic with me to adjust the white balance (or use my white writing board) when I dive. However you need to be aware that as you change depth you need to re-adjust the white balance again. Usually for me I apply a rule of thumb that when I sense pressure changes in my ears, I will adjust w/b as well. I normally get good color shots without flash. The caveat is that when you get deeper you may lose quite a lot of light and would have to switch on your flash. You need to adjust your w/b back to normal if not all your flash shots will turn out pinkish (which is also another reminder that you need to adjust your w/b but then the moment may have moved away).

I would post some of my shots here except that I am too embarrassed by them for now. Let me improve my photo technique first now that I have grasped the lighting and some other basics...

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