Street Candid Portraits

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New Member
Aug 25, 2004
I went to Philippines w/ some other CSers a couple of weeks ago. Took alot street photos, and here I'd like to share some portrait like candid shots. They are all candid shots, but it's like they were posing for me just for that 'one shot' - only got chance to shoot one of each pose/moment of course :)

Here you go:






And this following one is my fav, I even gave it a try on b&w:



How do you think?

Gosh! What's going on? :eek:

It's be cause he walks around those devotees (to the crucifixion) when they kept whipping themselves on the back w/ a chain/lash, and the blood was flying everywhere. I myself even got some blood stains on the shirt, even my lens :(

Nice serie ! So many people smiling looking straight at the camera. :thumbsup:

And yes, the picture of the little girl is charming.

:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
My God !!! These are some super super shots. Hats off to you.
You've got so many strangers posing for you. That itself is amazing. And to capture their expression and beauty, has left me speechless. Am gonna forward this link to my friends...

Nice serie ! So many people smiling looking straight at the camera.
And yes, the picture of the little girl is charming.

Thanks :) I did enjoy looking and shooting at those smiling faces (w/ a camera of course) :D

My God !!! These are some super super shots. Hats off to you.
You've got so many strangers posing for you. That itself is amazing. And to capture their expression and beauty, has left me speechless. Am gonna forward this link to my friends...

Thanks. Glad you like these photos :) The people over there were very friendly to us when we walked around w/ cameras in hands ;)

Came back to add one word.


Thanks again :)

Excellent photos!!! :bigeyes:

Mind sharing what's the lens you using? ;)

superb.. i liked a lot of the photos.. :thumbsup:

Love this series of portraits with natural poses and smiles from various age groups. :thumbsup:

er... i think some of the pics looks better in B & W.

superb.. i liked a lot of the photos.. :thumbsup:

Thanks. Glad you like them too :)

Love this series of portraits with natural poses and smiles from various age groups. :thumbsup:

Thanks. The Filipinos are the most friendly people I've ever photoed :)

er... i think some of the pics looks better in B & W.

Yes, you are absolutely right. The light was very harsh on some of the photos, it's a bright sunny day, and I got sun burned in just half day's walkaround :(

excellent series!

Do you ask them to pose for you? Or do you just point the camera and they smile for you?

Do you ever get unfriendly "buzz off" looks?

Oh, and a really great series! The lines on the faces of the older individuals telling stories of good times as well hardships.. contrasting with the freshness on the faces of the young ones who've their lives ahead of them, still unmarked by time.. I think that's what makes portraits so great!

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