Stinking smell in Peninsula Plaza??!!!

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if im not wrong, the smell is attributed to the betel nuts they sell. They apply some sort of paste and roll up betel nuts in some leaves and sorts. I really really hate going to peninsula as a result, but I make it a point to enter from the other entrance to access CP directly.

if im not wrong, the smell is attributed to the betel nuts they sell. They apply some sort of paste and roll up betel nuts in some leaves and sorts. I really really hate going to peninsula as a result, but I make it a point to enter from the other entrance to access CP directly.
No its not........

whats there to complain about. Everyone smell one way or the other. But do those ppl who think you smell complain to u that u are smelly? if cant tahan, then use N95 mask lah.
Its just that some like to look at others only, never look at if some local food doesn't smell bad too

People are getting less tolerant these days.......always trying to blame faults at others, while these were already ongoing long ago when there were less foreigners (like running to get a place in trains), else why the Singapore government had these 'Courtesy campaigns' since the late eighties?????

i thoguht i was the only 1 who smelled it and or had weird smelling problem. I have been always thinking where did the smell came from. It smells of S** to me. i might be wrong.

Was there yesterday...because I had to make a withdrawal from the DBS tellers on the first floor to pay for the Benro tripod I bought from BenPhoto across the road. Must admit that the smell was indeed very strong and somewhat disturbing. Initially I thought it might be a sewage leak like what shaoken suspected but then if it indeed happens only during weekends like what ckchng observed, then it might really have been the food that some people may have brought there on a regular basis, particularly such as young bamboo shoot. I know because one colleague of mine used to have that in his lunch box everyday and I it smells like cat-pee IMO:) Wouldn't want to imagine or associate the smell to be some kind of body odour though....:)

It's a chemistry- the food and their body. Just walk into the Peninsula Plaza and do an oral check on every myamese by asking them to blow on you:bsmilie::bsmilie::bsmilie:

if im not wrong, the smell is attributed to the betel nuts they sell. They apply some sort of paste and roll up betel nuts in some leaves and sorts. I really really hate going to peninsula as a result, but I make it a point to enter from the other entrance to access CP directly.

hope it's not the betel nuts...can't imagine betel nut girl(檳榔西施) in taiwan w this odour :bigeyes::bigeyes::bigeyes:

i thoguht i was the only 1 who smelled it and or had weird smelling problem. I have been always thinking where did the smell came from. It smells of S** to me. i might be wrong.

Same for me. I can tolerate the smells in Little India quite well(coconut oil shampoo and whatnot), but this is quite overpowering

I never realised the smell, is it a new addition?

I think the new smell is a bit like burning camera smell.

Maybe the camera stores are burning the discontinued models to keep the prices up? :)


Get used to it guys & girls. It's nothing new.

Just remember: We smell like what we eat. Those who eat plenty of pork has a certain smell too. Likewise for spices and onions.

I would love to meet a lady who eats fruits only.. She will smell like watermelon & apple. Woooo...

Get used to it guys & girls. It's nothing new.

Just remember: We smell like what we eat. Those who eat plenty of pork has a certain smell too. Likewise for spices and onions.

I would love to meet a lady who eats fruits only.. She will smell like watermelon & apple. Woooo...

careful of mermaid...they hav fishy smell :D n betel nut girl(檳榔西施) too!

Get used to it guys & girls. It's nothing new.

Just remember: We smell like what we eat. Those who eat plenty of pork has a certain smell too. Likewise for spices and onions.

I would love to meet a lady who eats fruits only.. She will smell like watermelon & apple. Woooo...

Hmm ... the freshest strawberries, smooth double cream and soaked in sparkling Gewürztraminer! :cool:

careful of mermaid...they hav fishy smell :D n betel nut girl(檳榔西施) too!

nah, mermaids are unreal. I only like sharks.

As for betel nuts girls, they smell nice with perfume. They are pretty and dainty. But it is a dangerous job if you do not know. Some truckers rape them on the freeway and hence they are always pretending to be on the phone throughout the night.

Betel nuts usually get popular during winter when the crops are at their best. Betel nuts do not have pungent smell. In fact they smell nice when wrapped in fresh leafs. The taiwanese has a very different version compared to the Indian betel nuts. But these are usually consumed by countryside people, even in China.

careful of mermaid...they hav fishy smell :D n betel nut girl(檳榔西施) too!

Then Contaxable will be an all-fish lovin convert! :devil: :bsmilie:

Ahhh.... i would love strawberry shortcakes!

Strawberry shortcake with Gewürztraminer whipped double cream sprinkled with green tea powder and some nice Blueberries for contrast! :lovegrin:

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