Star Search 10 Photo Contest

Details were out about an hour ago. ;)

Hopefully adjustable reflectors are provided. Maybe they never thought of it...hmmmm
but its a chance to see how organized they are on setup...its mediacorp !!!!

Hopefully adjustable reflectors are provided. Maybe they never thought of it...hmmmm
but its a chance to see how organized they are on setup...its mediacorp !!!!

yeah i am excited. i know i will not win but to participate is a good experience for me already :)

So how did everyone do for the shoot today? :)

I took it as a learning experience since I don't even know how to use my flash. I even had one of the artiste reminding me that it wasn't firing off etc. :embrass:

Have fun today! Wahaha! But totally dunno how to use the lighting setup provided by cathay photo... haha! At that location got many photos that is overexpose...

Have fun today! Wahaha! But totally dunno how to use the lighting setup provided by cathay photo... haha! At that location got many photos that is overexpose...

If dunno how to use better dun use, like me. Lol!!! Not enuff time to try out.

As long as everyone had fun, that's the most important thing.:D

i had fun yesterday!

saw one guy shooting with a mamiya camera... :bigeyes:

then saw some bringing all their barangs barangs (light stands, strobes-not speedlites etc)

*stressed* haha

lighting quite bad yesterday in the afternoon... a bit overcast skies.

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i had fun yesterday!

saw one guy shooting with a mamiya camera... :bigeyes:

then saw some bringing all their barangs barangs (light stands, strobes-not speedlites etc)

*stressed* haha

lighting quite bad yesterday in the afternoon... a bit overcast skies.

The Mamiya guy would be me...

Also spotted another guy who shoot with Bronica and Contax G2.

Film FTW.

Have fun today! Wahaha! But totally dunno how to use the lighting setup provided by cathay photo... haha! At that location got many photos that is overexpose...

I just ask the CP staff whats the setting they meter the strobes on and set it accordingly in my cam. Lighting will then be good already haha. New experience as well to work in restricted time.

I saw one with a Hassy and profoto lights. On the other hand, there are some who shoots with basic dslr and pop up flash. As what was mentioned, just have fun can already.
My time slot was tricky. Supposed to start 5.30pm, but delayed and shoot from 6 plus to 7plus. Tricky, as the ambient condition was changing like every couple of minutes. :sweat: