Star Search 10 Photo Contest

Ok lah... Yesterday just went to photoshoot with them in media crop... Afew really shine and u guys wont be disappointed...;)

Hey all, it's held in 2 sessions on that day. One is in the morning, and the other in the afternoon. More details will be given to invited photographers!

Hey guys, a huge thank you to the many who wrote in to us! The closing date is 27 Sep, and you will be receiving more details on the contest shortly after if you're invited. Thanks!

Hey guys, a huge thank you to the many who wrote in to us! The closing date is 27 Sep, and you will be receiving more details on the contest shortly after if you're invited. Thanks!

Is the registration email address ( working? It seems to be bouncing emails sent to it.

Actually how many people will they be "selecting"? Just curious...

Think quite a number? And there's no information about the prizes to be won right?

Think quite a number? And there's no information about the prizes to be won right?

Maybe everyone will be selected and then the prizes will be a few magazines ;)
Grand prize will be a year of magazines. :bsmilie:

Got email invite but yet to receive any further details. Whole thing looks a bit rushed if details are not out yet.

Received an email invite as well but no other details.

yah loh i hope they give us the details fast... the email also got typo (timing wrong)...

Same here got an invite for the afternoon session but no details on venue.

they will send the venue again. i know where is the venue cos the person called me and i asked. but i am not sure if there is only more then 1 venue. but we are supposed to keep the venue and timing a secret ;p