Stanley Lim's shooting "tour" - 12th July

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Guys and girls, let's also put down whether we are using digital or film.


[Interested folks, please indicate on the list below]
1. Patricc(Tentative)
2. darktimus
3. tert
4. sfhuang (Digital)
5. joe

[Interested folks, please indicate on the list below]
1. Patricc(Tentative)
2. darktimus
3. tert (Film)
4. sfhuang (Digital)
5. joe

Originally posted by tert
I think they're one of the most friendly people i've ever meet. They take the effort to adjust your photos to its best (so they say shooting with film is a partnership between the lab and you). Not only that, they've always taken the trouble to sit down with me and review my photos: "this shot is overexposed"; "that's underexposed"; "it will look better like this"; "you should always open up 1/2 - 1 stop with film". And indeed, i've learned alot from them... (and i'm sure many will agree).
I agree~!

Wolfgang, as a moderator, I guess it is not very nice to crash into this thread to question the intentions of the photographers signing up. Maybe you could start another thread to discuss the issue... :)

Originally posted by Bean
I agree~!

Wolfgang, as a moderator, I guess it is not very nice to crash into this thread to question the intentions of the photographers signing up. Maybe you could start another thread to discuss the issue... :)

That post was not posted in my capacity as a moderator and i don't think that has anything to do with it.

And if you didn't read my post properly, i repaeat. I have and had no intentions of crashing this thread. All i did was to wonder about the intentions of partcipating in such an activity. I'm sorry if that upsets you but i thought it would be timely to remind people about the kind of "mindset" some might have when they participate in a paid model shoot...

If you've gotten the kind of PMs i have been getting regarding model shoots and how to get to know models, then you'll probably be as fed up as i am.

Honestly, portraiture can be practised anywhere with anyone... you DO NOT need to shoot a professional model to come up with a keeper... ;p

Originally posted by Wolfgang
Honestly, portraiture can be practised anywhere with anyone... you DO NOT need to shoot a professional model to come up with a keeper... ;p

The main reason why, i believe, that a professional model is engaged is because they are in a better position to come up with poses than non-professionals.

To put it crudely, it's NOT YOUR BUSINESS to care whether they engage a professional model or not. You have your opinions and they have theirs. Anyway, thanks for reminding not to sterotype portraiture with glamour photography.

No offence taken, I hope.

Please don't be a wet blanket here. If you can to discuss this issue, please do it in another thread.

Originally posted by mervlam
The main reason why, i believe, that a professional model is engaged is because they are in a better position to come up with poses than non-professionals.

To put it crudely, it's NOT YOUR BUSINESS to care whether they engage a professional model or not. You have your opinions and they have theirs. Anyway, thanks for reminding not to sterotype portraiture with glamour photography.

No offence taken, I hope.

Please don't be a wet blanket here. If you can to discuss this issue, please do it in another thread.

May your choices always be so clear...

And no, no offense taken. Ultimately, we all have free will and i reckon you guys are exercising it... meanwhile, happy shooting.

PS: It's misleading to think that professional models are better "positioned" to come up with poses, even in relative to none professionals... but this will die here.

No reason to continue this in another thread since neither one of you can look at this objectively and understand why this was brought up in this thread.

Like i have said once, and i will say it again. This isn't wasn't meant to crash this thread nor discourage people from participating in paid shoots. It's just the intentions of such photographers that i question.

Beside, if the models that are engaged are going to all males, i'll actually like to see how many male photographers would willingly jump right in and pay for the shoot/lesson.

... but this will die here.

Now where did the list go? ;)

[Interested folks, please indicate on the list below]
1. Patricc(Tentative)
2. darktimus
3. tert (Film)
4. sfhuang (Digital)
5. joe

Originally posted by Wolfgang

No reason to continue this in another thread since neither one of you can look at this objectively and understand why this was brought up in this thread.

Wolfgang, this I have to disagree. Whatever misgivings you have about their intentions, it is their sole perogative to do so. They do not have to account to you or anybody as to why they are proceeding as such. IMO, your act of barging into the thread to question the intentions of the participants is rather rude and haughty.

Though your posts and tone are cordial, you are adopting a high-handed "holier than thou" attitude by passing your own preconceived judgement on others, even though you do not know them.

Just because you had bad experiences doesn't give you the legitimacy to judge all others accordingly.

Like i have said once, and i will say it again. This isn't wasn't meant to crash this thread nor discourage people from participating in paid shoots. It's just the intentions of such photographers that i question.
Do you find it polite and in accordance with forum rules questioning the intentions of others in mass participation thread? Isn't it the rule that off-topic discussions should preferably be started elsewhere? You could have started another thread on this you know?

Beside, if the models that are engaged are going to all males, i'll actually like to see how many male photographers would willingly jump right in and pay for the shoot/lesson.
Does it matter here? I believe everyone has already heard about your experiences and your side of the story. But to go on and on harping about, to the extent of barging into other peoples threads to continue harping is really unbecoming and smacks of a certain degree of bitterness on your part. Even if these people are going there to ogle so to speak, they have not offended you in any way previously and do not need to answer your query in any way.

Perhaps someone might want to move all non related posts out of this thread and leave the guys in peace.:)

err.... Now can we have the name list back up again? :complain: :complain: :complain:

:D :devil:

[Interested folks, please indicate on the list below]
1. Patricc(Tentative)
2. darktimus
3. tert (Film)
4. sfhuang (Digital)
5. joe


I think wolfgang intention was just to reminds people tat 2 b a portrait shooter u dun need to don on a paying model so tat u can improve your skill in this area.

If you to looking into portraiture shooting there are many ways to shoot and subject is not the onli thing tat makes the shoot nice. Environment plays apart too on top of the location and framing, mood etc. B it guys or girls as a subject, the job of a photographer is to make your subject look his or her best. you dun need to shoot beautiful woman just cos you wan to learn so to speak. Yes no doubt a profession would be easier to shoot cos they are trained in all kind of pose but would you rather learn how to direct your model instead of them doing it themselves? A penny for your thoughts? Wat if when u get to know some1 beautiful or your close 1 and has no experience and agree to let you shoot wat will happen then when your knowledage in this area is weak??

Most people i know tat does portraiture shots are usually the 1 directing the subject to how they wan the subject to pose or the kind of mood they wan to create cos they aldy have in mind wat they wan to achieve.

In any case this is all abt photography and anybody has their own opinions to do wat u wan b it paying to shoot or not. If u think by doing so you will learning or become a portrait shooter then mayb if you looking further into this area it may not deem so aldy.

Just my 2 cents worthless thoughts on it.

PS: by no mean i am discouraging people pay to shoot but you guys may want to look at it in a different light tats all.


Speaking as a MODERATOR!

Pls refrain from posting anymore of non issue related to this photoshoot.

We leave the it to those who go and dun go.

This is the end before I begin to remove any posting.

Personally, I think Wolfgang just wanted to get everyone off the ill-concieved notion that it is necessary to have paid professional models to do portraiture shoots. He might have sounded a little harsh due to his recent unpleasent experience, but then again, it's appropriate for what happened to him. I'm sure a lot of us don't mind ogling at a really cute or pretty female model, especially the lot of you who probably never will be in the presence of such a lady otherwise.

Think about what wolfgang has said, and stop being so high and mighty yourself.. at least he has a point, though not put across so well (and not in a very good place). To question the point he is putting across comes off as rather hypocritical to me.

PS. Professional models coming up with better poses is actually worse off for the photographer.. you ain't gonna learn anything about posing, and in no way is the model going to know the best pose in relation to your camera.. he or she might have a rough idea, but the photog should always give the final adjustments in the pose. So lay off the notion about professional models being necessary, just like you needing that $1k Nikkor DC before you can do portraiture.

Whoops, so sorry bluestrike, didn't see your post when I started on my reply, salah salah! :embrass: No more posts from me!

Originally posted by YSLee
Whoops, so sorry bluestrike, didn't see your post when I started on my reply, salah salah! :embrass: No more posts from me!
accepted... so pls..... no more essay from you on this tread!;p

Okay... Latest update. Sehsuan, it would be good if you could compile the updates into your first thread.

Location is confirm at Changi Beach. Some description of the area: woods-like area in Changi; good lighting as trees are very well spaced; large with a lot of space for individual of explore; also by the breakwater and the sea...

Regarding the models: Total no. of models hired will depend on the no. of participants. They are expecting to have one model per six participants...

if we have more than six, but less than the required quota to hire the second one, you are most welcome to shoot me :bigeyes::ipuke: :D

For those who are interested, please go down to Stanley's to place a deposit. You'd be asked also to sign a agreement form stating that you are not to use the pictures for any commercial purpose; non-circulating on the mass media like the internet... For more info, please call Joanne.

where is Stanley's place ?
don't know where is it :dunno:


I am new to model shooting (in fact kind of new in photography also). Just wonder why there is such condition?

i.e., "You'd be asked also to sign a agreement form stating that you are not to use the pictures for any commercial purpose; non-circulating on the mass media like the internet... "

I am thinking to join this shooting but I don't like the condition. I usually offer my pictures for free to whoever wants to use.

Originally posted by keicheng

I am new to model shooting (in fact kind of new in photography also). Just wonder why there is such condition?

i.e., "You'd be asked also to sign a agreement form stating that you are not to use the pictures for any commercial purpose; non-circulating on the mass media like the internet... "

I am thinking to join this shooting but I don't like the condition. I usually offer my pictures for free to whoever wants to use.

Hi Keicheng,
they want to make sure that you are not using their things for other usage cos the market out there are compative.So they have to use black and white to play save.Is up to you to sign or not to sign.


"You'd be asked also to sign a agreement form stating that you are not to use the pictures for any commercial purpose; non-circulating on the mass media like the internet... "

I am thinking to join this shooting but I don't like the condition. I usually offer my pictures for free to whoever wants to use.

I think the condition was evolved from a photo shoot which they had organised previously where pictures of the model they employed were splashed all over some not-too-desirable websites.

The best person to answer your question would be Joanne herself. Give her a call if you have any opinions on the conditions.

Stanley/Joanne's store's number - 6338-2367.


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