Spooky hotels to share

yes, especially if you carry a big mirror with you. You will definitely see one. It appears even during day time.

u serious?

omg... but i know 1 of my frenz kanna "dirty" things when he is doing his guard duty @ the gate facing the old tampines road. he saw it on the cctv :sweat:

Ha, talking about CCTV. In the CCK range, the caretaker saw a white shape floating along the main gate of the range around 4am ... it was recorded ....

huh old tampines road is spooked ah? me and a few friends always cycle pass that road one lei during our weekend ride...don't scare me lei

duno lei.

me personally never encounter b4 even during my NSF days. my camp is juz beside it where all the planes landed/take off.

heard some stories abt this "road"
like a garl is killed/murder then buried under 1 of the trees along the road. (sumtin like dat).
even my camp also got stories. :sweat:

Try Watch GHOST HUNTER in youtube. Season 1 till I dunno. Now I'm in Season 5. the first few season when they just started ghost investigation, the evidence is freakingly scary. Like one case in episode 4 or 5 in season 1. Where they search an old army armory to a walkway where its reported people will be pushed by unseen hands. While they were searching and found a moving cold spot(known to be an entity walking around),the soundman suddenly dropped on the floor and crying due to fear. he said he felt something pushed him down to the floor. which fortunately one of the investigator had a camera focus on the soundman. The vid showed his Sound-BOX actually flew up and smack his face and he start to walk backwards, and some unseen force pulled him down.

U guys should watch it. recommended.


Few years back at my workplace I did took a pic of a ghostly child sitting on the beam with its head beside its hips. But sadly I had deleted due to my life in danger. I swear that I nearly died or seriously injured after I took that pic and showed it to everyone at work. Coz thats the evidence upon all that reports from colleagues and contractors about seeing a kid. But something is not happy abt it and I was disturbed for nearly a week. I was distraught. Coz everytime I went in the warehouse a small child voice would call my name. Whisper to my ears. Even feel as if someone standing with me when I counted stock. The last straw is when a heavy carton from the top racking nearly drop on me. that quick moment I sense something wrong and stop, heard something above me and I look up saw a big carton dropping on me. I quickly jump back and the carton 40kg heavy slammed on the floor. The WH personnel ran towards me asking what happen. I showed the carton and they investigated it. confused. The pallete that the carton is on has no problem and were properly stacked. They asked how the item dropped. I said it was straigt flat. Even more confused as the carton is flat and if it were to dropped on 4th storey high place it would dropped front first instead of coming down like a piece of paper.

WH ppl knew and forced me to delete the pic and ask forgiveness. They know the child cannot be play around. coz over the years its playfulness did managed to make 2 or 3 WH ppl fainted.

The child was also the one who made two banglas run away during their renovation on the 2nd level of our building. While trying to cover the last ceiling hole, two leg came out hanging as if it were sitting playfully. The banglas ran out of the building.lol.

My Manager went in a room, which we dubbed GHOST ROOM. coz of his incident. One morning he went in that room to get something, that room known to be eerie due to no power inside to light up the whole room so had to rely on a spotlight or natural light. In the room has full of monitors. so my Mgr went in to take some cartons there. So as he was picking up, he notice the monitor in front of him has something on the screen. He look up at the monitor, as he recalls...he saw a person face smiling at him. He got shocked and run away. I knew he did see something coz I was in the office and saw him ran in the office with a white face and lips showing fear.

Customers coming to our place also has some experienced. 1 lady whom has a 3rd eye cried in fear when she scream there is a Burnt man peeping at her.

One dad complained to us that this place dirty when his child played marching around the place. when called to go home, he said bye2. when his dad asked whom he wave to, he said many soldiers marching with him just now.

at which geographical vicinity was that?
Is your workplace a place with some kind of history?
how come the ghost know you took pics?

at which geographical vicinity was that?
Is your workplace a place with some kind of history?
how come the ghost know you took pics?

Somewhere in SG Kadut.
Its an old building. Old flooring n such. But I do know previously it was owned by a soft drink company as a storage area. and the old guard there told me that a little girl died while carelessly playing. dunno true or not.

EVEN i dunno. Ok, actually it was night time. WH has closed. so WH was pitch black. at that time I work in office. so I OT la, but then boredom got the best of me. I grab my cam and use my HP to light up the path in the WH. so I took quite a few shot. Total 4 shot using flash.
My intention? looking for ghost.
Honestly, I didnt know one of the pic has ghost in it until I showed it to the WH guys. Upon close scrutinized, then he pointed something in the pic which I and few ppl confirm its an entity. coz the little kid was sitting on a beam near the zinc rooftop looking at me and the head is beside it and not on the body. I dunno if its a boy or girl. I took two same shot of that area and only 1 has it. while the other doesnt have that kid in it. if I recall it was around nearly 10pm

... I grab my cam and use my HP to light up the path in the WH. so I took quite a few shot. Total 4 shot using flash... one of the pic has ghost in it.. Upon close scrutinized, then he pointed something in the pic which I and few ppl confirm its an entity. coz the little kid was sitting on a beam near the zinc rooftop looking at me and the head is beside it and not on the body. I dunno if its a boy or girl. I took two same shot of that area and only 1 has it. while the other doesnt have that kid in it. if I recall it was around nearly 10pm

Cool.. please post and share your pic that has 'ghost' in it please ;p

A very good capture/shot of the 'entities' by a CS member @ http://www.clubsnap.com/forums/showpost.php?p=5598705&postcount=242

his reply and experience @ http://www.clubsnap.com/forums/showpost.php?p=5595687&postcount=236

and this shot too with an entity?? @ http://www.clubsnap.com/forums/showpost.php?p=5510822&postcount=148

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Cool.. please post and share your pic that has 'ghost' in it please ;p

A very good capture/shot of the 'entities' by a CS member @ http://www.clubsnap.com/forums/showpost.php?p=5598705&postcount=242

his reply and experience @ http://www.clubsnap.com/forums/showpost.php?p=5595687&postcount=236

and this shot too with an entity?? @ http://www.clubsnap.com/forums/showpost.php?p=5510822&postcount=148

Bo pian, can only share experience now. :(
The picture I only kept at my work computer and it was that same day when that thing happened that I had deleted the whole thing in front of my colleagues as they knew I'm very stubborn. Who dun want to keep a ghost pic? everyone does! :bheart:

The only thing is I can only SWEAR by my experience that this has happened to me.

A mod asked me to share more story. so now I'm doin.

Now, I'm in the WH dept. Meaning I'm working in the storage building office itself. We got another room which we had installed a lighting in there. Its already been 6 months and few of us reported the same thing. Every once a while open the WH door, look at the room...the light already ON for u. Me,my Mgr even ask the same question. Who turn on the lights?
Then last week, my own CEO experienced. The next morning he came to my Mgr telling him what he saw. That room has a window facing out so if someone walking outside can see that window. my CEO work late at night and decided to go home ard 10+ he said while walking to his car, he saw the light in that room turn on. he thought his worker was hard at work la. He walk around the building to the main door of the WH. the Red big door locked and no one was working. So who turned it on?

Last month I work OT. I thought I was with my Mgr. Turns out he run home already w/o telling me.kns. So I was working alone. I had to stacked a whole pallet of item and I turn on the forklift light. While stacking, I saw a shadow behind on the right side. confirm it was my MGR. I said please help me with this last pallet but when I turn no body there...heart skipped a beat. I walk around but no one. I walk in office and notice he had gone. I see I alone, I also run home. lol. next day I complain to him what happened. He laughed.

A few days later, he asked me OT with him. I said I got something to do. So end up he doing the job alone. The next day he complained to me and implement that next time when do OT must 2 person!lol. He told me that while he was gg up to the racking, he point the headlight of the forklift to shone on him. While gg up to take the item the light died. so he slowly went to the forklift to see what happen, but the switch turn on. Then he tried again, the light on. He went up again take item, same thing happened. He pek check he did again and the ligh on again. This time he walk up take item, the light turn off & On & Off. he knew what happen, he kill the switch and went home. serve him right!

Maybe if I got the time I take pic of the area in my WH where experience happened. and post it.

Maybe if I got the time I take pic of the area in my WH where experience happened. and post it.

Please take your time. No rush but do take care too! If you want, maybe you organise a ghost photo-shooting then we all may accompany you to shoot provided that your WH is not restricted area...

I think your WH is 'haunted' becoz the area is near the cemeteries, and it is also near the famous WW2 battles when the Jap invaded Spore from Johore...

Your experience reminded me of the similar cases i had experienced i was a clerk doing NS in Seletar Camp... my office was near the Seletar airport.

Being a clerk in a unit in Seletar Camp, my supervisor was a Major. He's a very nice officer. Prior to retiring from Army, he gave me his radio hi-fi system to listen to music in my office. After he had left, the new supervisor was also a Major but he's not a nice officer... very fussy one, and he always make me stay back till 9pm.

One evening i was alone in my office, rushing to complete the newsletter layout draft. My desktop was facing the door which was opened, the radio hi-fi was on my left side against the wall (the only power source was on the right side of my desktop on the wall). I was not listening to music. I heard some trolley noise from outside my office (like catering food service) and then the fellow bumped it against the wall and all the metal stuffs felled with noisy sounds. I exclaimed "Wah liao... so careless!".

Then suddenly the radio hi-fi system on my left side was turned on and the music can be heard! I was SHOCKED becoz the ONLY power source on my right side on the wall is "switched off"... it was not logical for the hi-fi system to get its power even thought the switch on the system itself was ON.. When i go over to check the hi-fi system, it went dead. WEIRD!!! I switched off and on the system itself, it was not responding. Then i went to the power source to switch it on then the hi-fi work. I knew something was in my room, i swithced it off, off my desktop computer, off all lights in my room, locked the door and walked to my officer's room on the second floor to request for permission to go home now!

Knn... that Major had left without informing me whether i can go home too since he was the one who made stay back! So i ask the Lieutenant who was in the same office as him for permission to go home... Whao man... he looked pale and he said let go off together. He offered to drive me off and drop me at Yishun MRT station. While in his car, the Lieutenant told me "someone" was breathing on his neck in the office after the air-con was switched off..

Later i found out from him that the building where our unit was being housed was a hospital for the British soldiers...

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Somewhere in SG Kadut.
Its an old building. Old flooring n such. But I do know previously it was owned by a soft drink company as a storage area. and the old guard there told me that a little girl died while carelessly playing. dunno true or not.

EVEN i dunno. Ok, actually it was night time. WH has closed. so WH was pitch black. at that time I work in office. so I OT la, but then boredom got the best of me. I grab my cam and use my HP to light up the path in the WH. so I took quite a few shot. Total 4 shot using flash.
My intention? looking for ghost.
Honestly, I didnt know one of the pic has ghost in it until I showed it to the WH guys. Upon close scrutinized, then he pointed something in the pic which I and few ppl confirm its an entity. coz the little kid was sitting on a beam near the zinc rooftop looking at me and the head is beside it and not on the body. I dunno if its a boy or girl. I took two same shot of that area and only 1 has it. while the other doesnt have that kid in it. if I recall it was around nearly 10pm

bro ricsal,
did ur coy initial some offering during the 7th month or if got some praying, i believe will be much more better. unless ur boss is those "ang moh" thinking. but since ur manager & ceo also kanna these strange happening, they should do something abt it. hopefully can ease it.

i believe every place, house, workshop or any other location. more or less there is "something" lurking ard, juz whether they want harm u or disturb u.

unlike my coy, my boss & his "2IC" is christian so they don believe these kinda of 7th mth offering. so srtange thing happen.

1) my colleague asked if we have these offering during 7th mth, 2 weeks prior to it. the "2IC" decline it & told her off tat we DON'T do this here & don even try.
Okie fine, on the 1st day of the 7th mth morning while "2IC" drove to office, kanna car accident. although its a minor 1 juz bumper crack & dent.

Ok guys, something weird happened at home, and maybe you guys tell me what you think...

Last two nights ago at night (or early morning actually) when i was feeling hungry after studying i got to the kitchen to fry some fries. Coming to the stove I found that one of the gas cooking thing on the stove was already on, and i immediately switched them off. I assumed it was my grandmother who forgot to switch it off. The thing is, we have two stoves, and my granny wouldnt use the stove that i normally use (the one where the gas knob wasnt turned off). She prefers to use the other. It couldnt be me or my wife as we didnt touch the stove at all, so we assumed and all of us concurred that she was the one whom forgot and she apologised for that. However, she was still adamant that she did not recall ever using that stove in recent history.

Then, come today, same thing happened again. The night before, I CONFIRM PLUS CHOP TURN OFF THE BLOODY THING because i dnt want it to happen again. I asked my granny, she say today she confirm never use. Cant be me or my wife, we are away since morning. I dnt knw what the hell is happening so i just turn off the gas supply from the stove and today i use my granny's fave stove.

I have been peaceful here for almost two years now, so dnt knw why so suay this kind of thing happen... Everythg points to my granny but i dnt knw leh, i believe her because its out of her norm to use that stove.

Ok guys, something weird happened at home, and maybe you guys tell me what you think...

Last two nights ago at night (or early morning actually) when i was feeling hungry after studying i got to the kitchen to fry some fries. Coming to the stove I found that one of the gas cooking thing on the stove was already on, and i immediately switched them off. I assumed it was my grandmother who forgot to switch it off. The thing is, we have two stoves, and my granny wouldnt use the stove that i normally use (the one where the gas knob wasnt turned off). She prefers to use the other. It couldnt be me or my wife as we didnt touch the stove at all, so we assumed and all of us concurred that she was the one whom forgot and she apologised for that. However, she was still adamant that she did not recall ever using that stove in recent history.

Then, come today, same thing happened again. The night before, I CONFIRM PLUS CHOP TURN OFF THE BLOODY THING because i dnt want it to happen again. I asked my granny, she say today she confirm never use. Cant be me or my wife, we are away since morning. I dnt knw what the hell is happening so i just turn off the gas supply from the stove and today i use my granny's fave stove.

I have been peaceful here for almost two years now, so dnt knw why so suay this kind of thing happen... Everythg points to my granny but i dnt knw leh, i believe her because its out of her norm to use that stove.