Spelling lessons for leaders of tomorrow.. :)

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Senior Member
May 3, 2003
Woody Land
Spelling lessons for leaders of tomorrow.. :confused:


Spot it?

You mean "tomolo" should be spelt as "tomorow" ?
Now then I know.

I feel good.

I know that I shouldn't

I feel good

Whenever I read Strait Times News

So Good !

So Good !

OHHH.... Ohhh .... OHHHH YEAH !!!!

More good years ahead ! :(



Maybe their workstation dun have spell-check function..... :confused:

largest letters somemore. red font... keke.. yea spelt wrongly..it shld be


Leaders of tomorrow. Learn to spell or u'll be mocked at for running a country with a bad command of the language.

Leaders of tomorrow. Learn to spell or u'll be mocked at for running a country with a bad command of the language.

bush cant even speak proper engrish! :bsmilie:

Spelling lessons for leaders of tomorrow.. :confused:


Spot it?

it could be SPH or the advertising company's fault, not NTU. If i am the NTU in charge, i will demand compensation and a re-published of the advertisement.


well... i am not surprised if this mistake was even made by NTU.

i have read reports and presentations and many many reports by students from both NUS and NTU. and guess what. even a secondary school kid can spot the grammatical errors in these reports written by these uni students.

speaking about good english...:sticktong

Come on... who doesn't make mistakes?

Besides, how does this honest mistake reflect upon the quality of NTU grads?

Aiyah, it was written by some third party lah, and not very convincingly. Very contrived sounding.

If you look into the main news articles, oso got spelling mistakes here and there mah.

Maybe they are leaders for a company called "Tomorow"?

Thats the catch. So if you go there to study and cannot find proper jobs, they can bring out this ads and says.. Look, We didnt say you can be Leaders of Tomorrow... haha

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