Special Forces Unit - Hostage Situation

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Skali is Amos :p

Well i know SOMEONE did drop it! hahaaha luckily it's ok too. But from this incident i damn worried to use my props again for part 2 or can use but no more using the weapons to hit stuff and i better make sure all got slings hahahaa MY GUNS NOT CHEAP HOH!!!

Well i know SOMEONE did drop it! hahaaha luckily it's ok too. But from this incident i damn worried to use my props again for part 2 or can use but no more using the weapons to hit stuff and i better make sure all got slings hahahaa MY GUNS NOT CHEAP HOH!!!
I think forest also got nothing to hit :p

Thanks to JT-Fied for organising this shoot :)




Getting ready for NS ah....:bsmilie:

Getting ready for NS ah....:bsmilie:
Frankly speaking one of our Mercenary is really getting ready for NS, he is due for enlistment already :p

pic #7 and pic 8... they look like terrorists than special force... ;p

Funny how every shot looks so posed, every figure is so still....

And they all don't wear helmets, not to mention goggles, gas masks and the like.

pic #7 and pic 8... they look like terrorists than special force... ;p
Pic #7 is because he wants to break into the house and see if the hostages are inside.

Pic #8 is because his friend trying to find a way in and he is keeping a lookout for him :)

Funny how every shot looks so posed, every figure is so still....

And they all don't wear helmets, not to mention goggles, gas masks and the like.

Maybe you would like to provide the props for part 2 and maybe join us as one of the many other technical advisors?? ;p

Our Part 2 will definitely be a big success with all the "Technical Advisors" we have. haha

But so far none of them msg me le?? Maybe our production is not Micheal Bay worthy so they can't be bothered to be our technical advisors ba hahaha

Its because people couldn't tell whether its a genuine invitation or a challenge. :dunno:
Even if it is an invitation, there seem to be an undertone of sacarsm.


But so far none of them msg me le?? Maybe our production is not Micheal Bay worthy so they can't be bothered to be our technical advisors ba hahaha

an open invitations eh... :think:
from ur statement, if u really doing a 2nd production, u may wan to plan thoroughly than just shooting with idea without achieving much desired end result... hmm...

shall wait for the continuation :)

Well up to all of you to see whether it's a challenge or not but i would love to see all those who gave their "valuable" comments to step up and show us a thing or 2. Stay tuned for part 2

1. Oh.. wanna give comments and critics must show a thing or two ah?? Oops, sorry, I must have come from another part of the world then. Terribly sorry abt that.

2. erm.. why dont you start the ball rolling? I see you giving valuable comments all over the threads, why not show a thing or two too bro? ;)

3. Sorry to the TS and the mods for the OT.

Well up to all of you to see whether it's a challenge or not but i would love to see all those who gave their "valuable" comments to step up and show us a thing or 2. Stay tuned for part 2

apology to TS for OT-ing

but... 2nd dat as mentioned by bEnd1ck...
hmm.. i will still switch to other 'channel' but i will come back to watch ur part II :)

very brave to shoot this series and kena 'shot' so many times. :thumbsup:

I shall not mention about the weapons handling since so many have done so. Maybe you can get the guys to wear long 4 with the name tags removed. Might make it more authentic.

Looking forward to a better series! :thumbsup:

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