[Slideshow] My first wedding shoot

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New Member
Dec 6, 2005
Hey guys, on Saturday 8th December 2007 I did my very first wedding shoot. It was a hectic day shooting from 4am till 4.30pm which finally resulted in 2600 pictures. It was super tiring but also a very rewarding and intense experience for me - the flood of different emotions which go throughout the day is like a roller coaster ride. After the day ended, I packed my equipment in the car and just sat on the side of the road, relieved and sad that it was all over.

Please excuse my website as it was a 30 min job as I had to get the links all up and ready for people to access the slideshow. Also I am currently overseas hence I am unable to work on the website at the moment. Thanks for taking the time to read, slideshow of the wedding can be viewed here: http://www.justin-oh.com/gracekeiichi/

If you like, you can also start with the wedding planning and rehearsal slideshows first accessable from http://www.justin-oh.com

OMG I love it .. great job ..


One of the best that I have seen. Your slideshow inspire me.:thumbsup:

Thanks for sharing ur great work. really like the style u shoot wedding.. like the music very much.. can I know the name of the music? thanks :)

Hey guys, thanks for all the kind responses and for taking the time to watch the slideshow :)

For those interested, the software used to create the slideshow can be found here: http://www.showitfast.com/ The music used came with the slideshow along with a few other great pieces.

And yes, this is my first wedding shoot. I've been into photography for a good number of years now and have always wanted to be a wedding photographer. I did a lot of research over the past year or so before I jumped in for this one - I have never second shot or be an assistant photographer, I literally jumped into it and i'm glad everything turned out alright. Most importantly both the bride and groom's family and friends are very happy with the results.

Yu Hsin, thanks for taking the time to watch and comment on the slideshow. I've seen your work before and I must say I really, really do admire your work! Thanks again!

The show is pretty nice and the moment is all there ...

nice job

man! 2600 shots! thats hell for PP!

Come on, dun bluff .............. you sure this is your first wedding shoot? ..................... Very nice. ;)

I love your first wedding shoot, you have captured all the people expression even the shoes. a little bit softer would be better. keep up the good work :)


Nice pics.

hmm i wonder why are there so many new members commenting on this thread.

that aside, i have to admit that it's a job pretty well done. the photos aren't perfect, but then again what is, and that together with the nifty slideshow with the ken burns effect put to good use and lovely piano piece brings together a rather convincing concoction.

Very very nice slide show. :thumbsup:

Thanks so much everyone for dropping by and viewing the slideshow then commenting on it. Feedback is invalueable whether it be good or bad :)

Thanks for your input schon! At the end of the day I guess its the combination of different elements which produce a 'package' as the end product! :)

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