Sigma 12-24 - any experience

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New Member
Jun 9, 2004
Jurong, Singapore
Also a newbie who just got the D70. - have read this forum quite thorougly

One Qn: very little talk on Sigma 12-24.

Want to have wide angle lens - the nikon one is too ep.. I thought this one should be more affordable - any one can share some advice on this...

novaD70 said:
Also a newbie who just got the D70. - have read this forum quite thorougly

One Qn: very little talk on Sigma 12-24.

Want to have wide angle lens - the nikon one is too ep.. I thought this one should be more affordable - any one can share some advice on this...
If you want a thorough debate, read it in DPReview's forums, under the Nikon lenses forum. It has been debated to death, over and over...

Samples. Most at 12mm. I think most at f8 also.

Comments you can search under dpreview's Nikon SLR lenses forum.

Here in SG, the sigma is a much better buy. Very well built the sigma, drop from 50cm and no cracks even for the hood. :thumbsup: So can't say that the Nikkor is better in built (which most give :thumbsd: for 3rd party). Heard from a user that the Nikkor suffers from even worse CA. And the Sigma is full frame.

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