Show us your Pentax - Season I

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K-7 with Pentax denim strap


Lumix LX-3

Dennis, where did you acquired the denim strap?
Mine is darker colour and got it last year in Japan and now hooked on my MZ-S.

Ben, I asked bro tabako to get it for me when he was in Tokyo.
There's also a white denim version too. I just luv this blue one. :thumbsup:

Aren't ltd lens built to perfertion ?:sweat:
Regrettably not. It's just a myth. The DA limiteds may be a notch above the common plasticky zooms but in no way are they perfect.

No wobble with mine. YMMV.

Just bought a MX and it came with an 50mm f1.4 lens ! Its has abit of fungus so have to send it for cleaning ...

Only problem is that i do not know if its an A,M or k series ... can someone tell me ?

I think its a M lens but my k-7 can only meter in M mode when pressing the green button. The aperture will only close when using M or Bulb mode ... is this normal ?



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Just bought a MX and it came with an 50mm f1.4 lens ! Its has abit of fungus so have to send it for cleaning ...

Only problem is that i do not know if its an A,M or k series ... can someone tell me ?

I think its a M lens but my k-7 can only meter in M mode when pressing the green button. The aperture will only close when using M or Bulb mode ... is this normal ?


Should be normal. Looks like a K to me.

Actually all except the DA15 wobbles from my experience. The DA15 does not because of the tight clearance between the hood and its barrel. I had tried a new piece of DA70 at a shop, it wobbles too and I think it'll quite loosen up with more use.

So the only way to meter is to use the M mode and press the green button ?

I also don't understand why the aperture only closes in M or Bu mode ... why cant it for other modes aswell ...:cry:

So the only way to meter is to use the M mode and press the green button ?

I also don't understand why the aperture only closes in M or Bu mode ... why cant it for other modes aswell ...:cry:

Because Pentax crippled the mount on the DSLRs so they can't detect what aperture the lens aperture ring is set to. I think there's a lever in the lens that turns as you turn the ring which communicates to older cameras what the aperture setting is.Thus the DSLRs can't do the calculation for the correct shutter speed for the selected aperture based on the wide-open metering, so you need to hit the green button for the lens to be momentarily stopped down and meter reading to be taken (i.e. stop-down metering). Even then, the metering can be erratic, especially on cameras before the K-7 and K-x.

However, don't complain so much lah, if I'm not wrong, Canon users can't even use their old FD lenses without big problems, while on Nikon the cameras below the D300 will not do metering on old lenses at all. That said, I think the price difference of an A lens over a M/K lens is worth it if using on a DSLR, less hassle and it will work with P-TTL flash. However, for an older film camera, such as the ME Super, the M series lenses, with their metal build, are better suited.

Thanks for the info !

I did realise that the MX had a lever thing on the mount which you can push and also saw the lever on the lens, the one "inside" the mount and moves when you turn the aperture ring , btw even my sigma 18-200 has the lever but it is not needed anymore ?:dunno:

Thanks for the info !

I did realise that the MX had a lever thing on the mount which you can push and also saw the lever on the lens, the one "inside" the mount and moves when you turn the aperture ring , btw even my sigma 18-200 has the lever but it is not needed anymore ?:dunno:

I'm not an expert on how the mechanism actually works :sweat:

My new Toy


Sorry for the blur, using Samsung phone la. XP

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