Show us your Leicas 2

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resistance is futile, finally succumbed to lust (Leitz)... my first L :sweatsm:


resistance is futile, finally succumbed to lust (Leitz)... my first L :sweatsm:


very nice chrome M7:thumbsup:

resistance is futile, finally succumbed to lust (Leitz)... my first L :sweatsm:


Nice to see it's in good hands :) take good care of her!

resistance is futile, finally succumbed to lust (Leitz)... my first L :sweatsm:


Think I congratulated you already earlier bro. Anyway, hope to meet up soon to shoot together.

Were you the person I saw asking Chiif about the M7 that day when he was showing me how to do film?

very nice chrome M7:thumbsup:

Nice start to a new year :thumbsup:

So pleasing to the eyes!

Nice to see it's in good hands :) take good care of her!

Think I congratulated you already earlier bro. Anyway, hope to meet up soon to shoot together.

thanks thanks!

some 8 months ago, one fine afternoon, i unexpectedly bumped into zoomp and his then m8 at east coast beach... the rest is history, the L bug has taken time but finally caught up! Not that i'm complaining, i'm enjoying every single minute and second of my M7! :lovegrin:

Next up? its gonna be hard but will take my own sweet time and travel back history when/if the calling gets stronger! :sweat:

Were you the person I saw asking Chiif about the M7 that day when he was showing me how to do film?

Don't think so... would be interesting to see what you guys got up to there & then though! ;)

resistance is futile, finally succumbed to lust (Leitz)... my first L :sweatsm:


Congratulations! Nice set-up, I think with all the poisoning around here, something with a summi name will appear soon with this M. :bigeyes:

Still my favorite M !!


thanks thanks!

some 8 months ago, one fine afternoon, i unexpectedly bumped into zoomp and his then m8 at east coast beach... the rest is history, the L bug has taken time but finally caught up! Not that i'm complaining, i'm enjoying every single minute and second of my M7! :lovegrin:

Next up? its gonna be hard but will take my own sweet time and travel back history when/if the calling gets stronger! :sweat:

Thought I showed u something else too that day? Was it yashica mat or rolleiflex?

thanks thanks!

some 8 months ago, one fine afternoon, i unexpectedly bumped into zoomp and his then m8 at east coast beach... the rest is history, the L bug has taken time but finally caught up! Not that i'm complaining, i'm enjoying every single minute and second of my M7! :lovegrin:

Next up? its gonna be hard but will take my own sweet time and travel back history when/if the calling gets stronger! :sweat:

about 1 to 2 mths ago, on fine day, I also met zoomp for one of his lens and toyed with his m9. the force is growing stronger everyday... but i must resist.... :embrass:

enjoy ur new toy bro! ;)

about 1 to 2 mths ago, on fine day, i also met zoomp for one of his lens and toyed with his m9. The force is growing stronger everyday... But i must resist.... :embrass:

Enjoy ur new toy bro! ;)

oops... Think i just made myself an enemy with many wives.

I think chrome matches the colour of my hair better. Thanks a lot bros, for all the advice, poison and friendship! Have a great 2011b

Yeah bro!!! Friendship!!! RFsers are one of the best bunch!!!

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