After using K10D for a couple of months, these band/strip/noise are starting to bug me. I'd email Shriro a simple, they replied it's common (moire). I tend to get it a lot with macros, with or without flash (even with correct exposure). More visable at f11-f13 (normally I don't step down more). Just want to make sure it's common and not due to my K10D.
Criss-cross bokeh with flash(100% cropped)
M mode f11 1/180 ISO200
Bands with flash(100% cropped) this should be the common band problem.
Av mode f13 1/125 ISO200
Moire stripes without flash(100% cropped)
AV mode f2.8 ISO200
Criss-cross bokeh with flash(100% cropped)
M mode f11 1/180 ISO200
Bands with flash(100% cropped) this should be the common band problem.
Av mode f13 1/125 ISO200
Moire stripes without flash(100% cropped)
AV mode f2.8 ISO200