[sheree] A Photo When Possible 2009

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10 May 2009

Jungfraujoch, Interlaken, Switzerland
July 2008

wished i had wider lenses :p

11 may 2009


Olympus XA2
Centuria 200

a shoot i did with my friends for a photography contest.. the theme was "FUN"
i didnt submit this photo because i used my DSLR photos for the competition.. i actually took this film one for fun so i didnt develop till the contest was over.
i quite like this photo cus it was actually candid and doesnt look posed!

where from? looks delicious.. Nomnomnom..

i got it from canele!
expensive ok.. $16.90 for 6 of them :cry:


i love the salty caramel ones best


haha yes the caramel one is nice!!!
i thought the dark chocolate one is nice too
my first time eating so i dunno what's nice so i anyhow buy HAHA passionfruit choc one taste weird.

25 May 09

my stalker

heheheh titled it as such cus it always follow me and once it even sat outside my house. faint..........

Now i know where all your $$$ went to......:bsmilie::bsmilie:

eh lol... i'm those kind who like to try new food one mah.. then i buy some home for my family to try.
once in a while is ok :bsmilie: :bsmilie:

28 May 2009

View from my hotel window - Interlaken, Switzerland.
Europe 2008

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