Share Some RF Shots 16

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En Bloc Emptiness

Empty racks standing erect and unused, long forgotten notices fluttering limply behind yellowed panels
Rubbish and refuse strewn across the dusty grey while cats with misshapen tails futilely scavenge for scrapes.
The original inhabitants are long gone, leaving only hollowed spaces of wear and neglect to mark their passing.

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wah original BP M!!!?!. Someone you know or random person on street?

No, that's a Japanese tourist whom I bumped into in Italy..He told me in his limited English that his Leica is about 100 years old! Couldn't believe at that time, but it was his camera that caught my attention. =)

wah original BP M!!!?!. Someone you know or random person on street?

I think that's a M4. It doesn't have the classic rewind crank. Look at the brassing on the camera:heart:...

lowjason said:
No, that's a Japanese tourist whom I bumped into in Italy..He told me in his limited English that his Leica is about 100 years old! Couldn't believe at that time, but it was his camera that caught my attention. =)

lol 100 years ago they still using wet plates

One of my very first shots with a Canon 7.

Met this very nice couple from the USA. Told me a lot of stories about their past experiences in Singapore, saying how much have it changed and all.


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