Share Some RF Shots 16

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A couple of recent street portraits.

Hexar RF, 35mm Summilux pre-asph (1), Canon 50mm f1.2 (2), Sensia 100.

This is Michele, a visitor from Italy I met in Chinatown. Such an intriguing & enigmatic character.

Took this portrait of the chef of a food store which served authentic Pakistani food in KL, who was in the midst of making Kufta, sort of a pan-fried meat patty infused with spices.
The place was quite a find, located within a local nondescript mosque that took us awhile to hunt down.



Here's something you guys probably don't see too often... Snow - and LOTS (0.7m) of it! :)

Leica M9, ISO 160, Summilux-M 50mm f/1,4 ASPH:

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Yeah it snowed like nuts in Boston for one day. But I shall start with the sunny pictures first. Went for a conference in San Francisco this time and I have taken way too many pictures within the city that I am running out of thing to take and I suck at taking pictures of humans.

Dungeness crab by NazgulKing, on Flickr

Golden Gate Bridge by NazgulKing, on Flickr

The King on his Throne by NazgulKing, on Flickr

Falungong by NazgulKing, on Flickr

Feeding the Birds by NazgulKing, on Flickr

Not sure if this is the right forum but I'm gonna post it anyways. A shot of Paris by my dad from an old Yashica rangefinder (he can't remember the model but was pretty sure it was a Yashica rangefinder) way back in the 1960s even before I was born. Taken on slides and the condition was pretty bad. I painstakingly cleaned it up using Photoshop.


Ilford delta 400, R09


M2 with Goggled Summaron F2.8
PPF at 100, overdeveloped in PQ Developer
Stand developed for 50mins at 30c
Added Grain in Post Processing.


M2 with Goggled Summaron F2.8
PPF at 100, overdeveloped in PQ Developer
Stand developed for 50mins at 30c
Added Grain in Post Processing.


Man.. this is like child abuse or something... lol...


We used to have a lot of snow, but the past countless winters have been wet and rainy more than anything. But every now and then... Blizzard!



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