Share Some RF Shots 15

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A fine gentleman I've known for some years. He sells old cameras.


The Macy's Store in downtown San Francisco, USA.


Haha, perhaps you the L-camera forum!

ah ha!!!! Must be!!! haha... I've just spent the last 15 minutes searching my history over and over to try and find where I saw it, to prove to myself that I'm not just imagining things!

You've now put my mind at ease!!! Thanks :D haha

A fine gentleman I've known for some years. He sells old cameras.


Is it this camera shop that is not too further off from Powell Station towards the pier at a street corner ?

Bak Koot Teh place in Balestier Road


Rollei 35 with Tessar 40mm/f3.5
Tri-x in HC110

Been playing around with this camera, bought it cheap at 100usd because one of the cover was missing.
This camera is very small and uses scale focus, ie. you have to estimate the distance.
I used to get very blur images, because i was trying to shoot wide-open indoors.
I sort of figured out that DOF is more important than shutter speed.
Shot at slow speeds but at 5.6f. My estimation is still not there but I think this image is quite usable.
What is fabulous about this camera is the clear viewfinder, just made for composition.


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Is it this camera shop that is not too further off from Powell Station towards the pier at a street corner ?

This camera store is in Melbourne, Australia. It's probably not the same as the one you're referring to. I'm guessing that you're referring to a store in Singapore?

This camera store is in Melbourne, Australia. It's probably not the same as the one you're referring to. I'm guessing that you're referring to a store in Singapore?
Heh... I thought both photos were taken in San Francisco.

Happy CNY everyone!

Seeing all the interesting captures recently, cant help but run a publicity post for this month's Monthly Mini "Resolutions", which ends on 31 Jan 2012.
Do enter your most apt picture!

Warmest regards,

NazgulKing said:
I tried a roll of Solaris 200 I picked up from Chiif and I must say, this roll of film gives an interesting color cast.
The Street Corner by NazgulKing, on Flickr
Street Corner by NazgulKing, on Flickr
7 by NazgulKing, on Flickr

Solaris is de best at 200

Here is a series of pictures I took today.

Daruma Condo


Daruma Queueing for Condo


Daruma Terrace Housing


Daruma Over Crowding


Daruma Illegal Gathering



(Hexar RF / CV 35 Color-Skopa / Ekta 100)

The day that I forgot my umbrella was the day that it poured.
As a result I got held up at a street corner occupied by a mama shop.

These are the people I met while waiting for the heavens to relent.
Top row, left the right - the reticent Indian owner of the little shop, a talkative Malay gentleman who fought in the Japanese occupation.
Bottom row - a Punjabi textile merchant and a construction worker who came to the shop to buy some preserved dates.


Bishan Street 13

Rollei 35 with Fomapan 100 developed in Rodinal.

Fomapan 100 is growing on me....


one from the archives.


Bronica RF645 medium format rangefinder.
Film used is the T-MAX 400
Developed in D76 from Fotohub

(going back to shooting models soon)

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