Sentosa Thread XXXVII (37) - KNIGHT ONG 36:1342 "Do you know what is FS ....??"

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markccm said:
not even enufff to pay for my daily curry powder lor.... :(
But to make parfum de 'Xcreta you don't need cully powder!

markccm said:
not only tide over.

he can think of buying car somemore...

hmmm yah lor :think:

espn said:
King Ice-cream? I prefer Hagan Daz

wah premium ice cream! I cannot even afford walls :cry:

Wat a busy day today.... Sigh....

espn said:
But to make parfum de 'Xcreta you don't need cully powder!

but still need to eat.

uu know always sit down at the corridor then have plain rice on brown wax paper, pour the cully over the lice to eat

I is just wakeup .... :sweat:

Morning was sick ... cold sweat, headaches etc all come togather ... :cry:

now still weak ... sigh .. :(

markccm said:
wah expensive taste sia...

i Potong ice-cream nia
what do you expect from someone who going to buy a car??? :bsmilie:

alechim said:
what do you expect from someone who going to buy a car??? :bsmilie:
The word is called rich....thats also apply to those who have car.;p:confused:

I will be out till 2 tomorrow.. anybody going shooting.. just call/sms me.

i is home. Tired, going to unpack my gear, charge up my batts for later in the day.

acidbyte said:
i is home. Tired, going to unpack my gear, charge up my batts for later in the day.
Wah... PRO shoot until so late :thumbsup:

scanner said:
yo BeachBoy, how long you waited for your LCD huh?
so have you ordered yours ? :D mine delivered in 3 working day including the day i order it (order in the morning):)


anybody here

who else but me ard................ heeeeeee

Will03 said:
who else but me ard................ heeeeeee
WAH!!! RARE GHOSTER? :bsmilie:

Morning I is awake and ready to go do PAing liao... anybody going shooting after 2 or meeting up... let me know :D

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