S3 Pro RAW highlight recovery

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jOhO said:
ya.. now then u know ar... aiyoh.....!! :nono:

;p ;p

hahaha..ya lor! all the while my exposure ok. skali on sunday i need to use flash but no sb800 so borrow a 550ex then kena this white-out lor. heng never throw away the pic :bsmilie:

I really must learn to shoot in RAW...

madmacs said:
hahaha..ya lor! all the while my exposure ok. skali on sunday i need to use flash but no sb800 so borrow a 550ex then kena this white-out lor. heng never throw away the pic :bsmilie:
MAUHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAhahahah... oh man that's funnee i dunno why. :bsmilie:

i think becos we all know how canon flashes work lar.. anyway ahhaha..

btw.. this only happen in RAW. in jpg it's not so effective. but thing is, when i had my s3, i seldom shot raw... too big nvm, money can always buy more cards, it's too SLOW, money cannot buy more speed.. :cry:

jOhO said:
btw.. this only happen in RAW. in jpg it's not so effective. but thing is, when i had my s3, i seldom shot raw... too big nvm, money can always buy more cards, it's too SLOW, money cannot buy more speed.. :cry:

Hopefully the speed issue is addressed in the S4pro, I'm eagerly anticipating the arrival of the new body. I do miss my S2pro and am dying to get my hands on a Fuji again.

jOhO said:
MAUHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAhahahah... oh man that's funnee i dunno why. :bsmilie:

i think becos we all know how canon flashes work lar.. anyway ahhaha..

btw.. this only happen in RAW. in jpg it's not so effective. but thing is, when i had my s3, i seldom shot raw... too big nvm, money can always buy more cards, it's too SLOW, money cannot buy more speed.. :cry:

i also seldom shoot raw with s3 for obvious reasons. but that day the lighting damn tricky. plus those fellas i was were trying out slave flashes. so i also try. what i did (mistake on my part) was cover the sensor of the 550ex to see if it would still trigger the slave...obviously the flash blasted at full power lor :sweat:

s3 raw with h-cards a lot more bearable. can compose and shoot almost continuously. :) btw..you still have s3 with you? or sold off all?

Terence said:
Hopefully the speed issue is addressed in the S4pro, I'm eagerly anticipating the arrival of the new body. I do miss my S2pro and am dying to get my hands on a Fuji again.

i'm also waiting eagerly man... :p

madmacs said:
i also seldom shoot raw with s3 for obvious reasons. but that day the lighting damn tricky. plus those fellas i was were trying out slave flashes. so i also try. what i did (mistake on my part) was cover the sensor of the 550ex to see if it would still trigger the slave...obviously the flash blasted at full power lor :sweat:

s3 raw with h-cards a lot more bearable. can compose and shoot almost continuously. :) btw..you still have s3 with you? or sold off all?
sold liow..

ehhe when i was spoilt with the d2hs' speed, i almost died at the s3 speed, and that's in jpg. i'm not much of a machine gunner, but then the fuji is most crippled in this aspect, there's no argument about it.

terence: yeah i'm really waiting for s4, not becos i wanna upgrade and spend more money. it's more of seeing wat fuji have to say for themselves. as of now, i'm an ex-fuji user, still giving them a chance to see how they can survive in this competitive market.

there's no hint of the s4... that time got rumours of it being in the F6 body... those died too.. all's quiet on the fuji front... not very hopeful leh... :bsmilie:

Glad to say that I'd inherited ya S3! ;)

But I guess I've been underutilising it a little by shooting JPEGs all the time.
Time to hit the RAW option.....

EVen my aged S2pro gives very good blown highlights recovery. Fuji is pretty cool in this. the SR sensor really works, just poor in speed and typical Fuji softness. Everyone I give jpegs to will say the image is sfter than their Canon or Nikon or Olympus whatever when seen on screen. I say, GO PRINT IT. And everyone says the print is better. Fuji is for prints, not for pixel peeping.

My 300D highestlight recovery :bsmilie:

Other than my lousy camera, cannot think of any other camera than S3 or S2 that always consistently taking such lousy shots and post in the net. Maybe its the camera or the one behind that is so so lousy! or both! :bsmilie:

From the look of the thread starter's picture, its clearly done with PS, post your original raw file with my original raw file to compare?

stout said:
My 300D highestlight recovery :bsmilie:

Other than my lousy camera, cannot think of any other camera than S3 or S2 that always consistently taking such lousy shots and post in the net. Maybe its the camera or the one behind that is so so lousy! or both! :bsmilie:

From the look of the thread starter's picture, its clearly done with PS, post your original raw file with my original raw file to compare?

um...i only adjusted the exposure in adobe camera raw. other than that just resize, sharpen and save for web. what make you think i ps'd the pic?

btw..how come you +4 become darker than original? :think:

stout said:
My 300D highestlight recovery :bsmilie:

Other than my lousy camera, cannot think of any other camera than S3 or S2 that always consistently taking such lousy shots and post in the net. Maybe its the camera or the one behind that is so so lousy! or both! :bsmilie:

From the look of the thread starter's picture, its clearly done with PS, post your original raw file with my original raw file to compare?
post your raw file and lemme judge. i think your +5 was the original picture and u overexposed the image in raw conversion instead.


your skill is actually so cmi as to blow out a posed studio shot until like this.

Madmacs & Clown -

Do not feed the troll.​

On a serious note - the highlight and shadows contain a lot of details and data. And there are numerous tests already done by lots of other people the world over. Dpreview has quite a few too. It is a long-known fact where DR is concerned. So continue to enjoy your S3s.

Azure said:
Madmacs & Clown -

Do not feed the troll.​

On a serious note - the highlight and shadows contain a lot of details and data. And there are numerous tests already done by lots of other people the world over. Dpreview has quite a few too. It is a long-known fact where DR is concerned. So continue to enjoy your S3s.

i agree with you fully. already decided to ignore him/her/it :bsmilie:

Azure said:
Madmacs & Clown -

Do not feed the troll.​

On a serious note - the highlight and shadows contain a lot of details and data. And there are numerous tests already done by lots of other people the world over. Dpreview has quite a few too. It is a long-known fact where DR is concerned. So continue to enjoy your S3s.

Hi pewees, in the real world, true facts is that fuji S3 & S2 owner thought they where a special breed that uses a special camera, didn't you birdy hear to latest news?

Non of the S3 & S2 user + cam here produce even acceptable results, that includes all of you here, compete with me if you dare!

Another truth is more already migrate to other brands, even more pewees now! :bsmilie:

ignore liao. =)

stout said:
Hi pewees, in the real world, true facts is that fuji S3 & S2 owner thought they where a special breed that uses a special camera, didn't you birdy hear to latest news?

Non of the S3 & S2 user + cam here produce even acceptable results, that includes all of you here, compete with me if you dare!

Another truth is more already migrate to other brands, even more pewees now! :bsmilie:

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