S1/S2/S3 pics. thread

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wow beautiful
sad i can't get out to shoot stuff
haven't touched my camera for almost 7 months, n now i got a fractured foot just when there's the sentosa flower exhibition

Took this in the plane otw to Perth. Had a bit of difficulty trying to get rid of the reflections and dirt from the window tho =S


Nice shot! Most of my plane shots are in the day, keep on getting strange bands on the planes windows.

I like how you gave the image a nice border and frame.

Nice shot! Most of my plane shots are in the day, keep on getting strange bands on the planes windows.

I like how you gave the image a nice border and frame.

:D Thanks! I like it too! The border is kinda a permanent fixture on my photos now:D

I don't get the bands on the plane windows, but I did get those when trying to take photos through the airport viewing gallery windows at perth... I wonder what causes those bands... Such a pity tho, it was a great view of the city/landscape. =S

Man, I really miss this forum. Have been so busy lately. It is great to see the nice pics being posted by fellow Canon S Series owners.

Here is another shot from Bali


Step out of the pool, walk out of the door and onto the beach.

Nice :thumbsup:

but the skies kinda make it look like a studio setup. heh

looks like a DRI pic to me

here's my take..


Nice :thumbsup:

but the skies kinda make it look like a studio setup. heh

looks too heavily edited.

I had to do a HDR. Else the sky would have been totally blown out and the water clear, or the sky would be good but you would not see the water.

I had to do a HDR. Else the sky would have been totally blown out and the water clear, or the sky would be good but you would not see the water.

i understand that the image is hdr merged but more could have been done to maintain a realistic output.

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