[RyuHendrabusa] - A Photo A Day 2009

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7th May 2009​

Golden Phoenix​

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7th May 2009​

Golden Phoenix​
Your pic makes it look like it really was flying in the sky (if one chooses to ignore the metallic linkage at the bottom right, haha)! Like some fairytale story or Harry Potter ;p

I hope the birds that were kept under your care (save for the one sent to SPCA) are doing well.. You sure put in much effort to help!


I wanted to take the entire pillar because it has some writings on it, but it's very hard to compose a good picture with all the vegetation and buildings around it. So decided to crop it like this and added some HDR effect to it. Thanks for your wishes for the birdies and viewing!

12th May 2009

A Fishing King​

Post-processing this photo made me realise that Paint.NET is pretty damn good for light usage!

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