RFSG's Webpage Needs Programming Help

Hi RFSG Ladies & Gents

I would be moving the RFSG hosting server in 3 weeks.
I would like a show of hands here who is good in programming?

RFSG webpage runs on Wordpress.
I would need someone who is familiar with Wordpress programming in case something screws up.

Currently I'am considering changing domains for RFSG. We are currently using www.rfsg.sg , I would like to change this over to something else but of course with RFSG in the front still.
From what I understand, would have to manually input the links to change them.

Is there anyone here with knowledge on this to assist in 3 weeks time?


Is this what you're looking for?

Something like that I think... Er, not very IT savvy so when I look at stuff like that, go blur

I'am looking to shift over the hosting server & then followed by changing the domain name then lastly port the currently work in progress forum for rfsg over.

Basically I need someone to sit beside me to show me how its done

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