Review : a VERY Panoramic 24x108mm homemade camera

Wow Power!!

Sample pic please?

No brutal chainsaw was used to cut the original pair of yashica GSNs. Only a small hacksaw was used. I think I should have some pictures of the building up process somewhere at home, so I will try to find them and post it here.

The two halves are then joined back using mostly epoxy glue with some metal bracings for additional strength. Surprisingly, the cosmetics of the joinery turn out to be better than expected, probably due to the precision manufacturing and good material of the original GSNs.

No brutal chainsaw was used to cut the original pair of yashica GSNs. Only a small hacksaw was used. I think I should have some pictures of the building up process somewhere at home, so I will try to find them and post it here.

The two halves are then joined back using mostly epoxy glue with some metal bracings for additional strength. Surprisingly, the cosmetics of the joinery turn out to be better than expected, probably due to the precision manufacturing and good material of the original GSNs.

ypan sounds cool:thumbsup:

any scans of the images? suddenly i regret letting go my old spoilt yashica gsn:sweat:

maybe I am just a frog in a well.... this is the first time I see that the focusing elements doesn't goes together with the lens.

"synchro comdur" (this is best I see from the photo) This is where the shutter is? Does this thing comes together with Schneider Angulon lens?

With an adapted view finder and the shutter in front of the "focusing" teleconverter, I am wondering how does the focusing works here?

Using such basic hand tools, you did quite a good job "tearing" it apart and putting them together.

The Schneider Angulon, being a typical LF lens doesn't come with any focusing mechanism. The focusing role is handled by the LF camera itself by varying the distance between the lens and the film.

The Synchro Compur is the shutter/aperture mechanism which comes standard with the lens as well. Since the whole lens/shutter assembly is mounted inside the gutted focusing teleconverter, the distance between the lens and film can then be moved and hence achieving focus.

The Schneider Angulon, being a typical LF lens doesn't come with any focusing mechanism. The focusing role is handled by the LF camera itself by varying the distance between the lens and the film.

The Synchro Compur is the shutter/aperture mechanism which comes standard with the lens as well. Since the whole lens/shutter assembly is mounted inside the gutted focusing teleconverter, the distance between the lens and film can then be moved and hence achieving focus.

thank you for the patient to answer this noobish question. :)

Now we are all eagerly waiting to see the photos taken with this camera and photos of the "birth" of this camera.;)

This SO needs to be featured on Singapore Camera Style!

A few pictures taken with YPAN in New Zealand. Film was some kind of Fuji Velvia.

Glendhu Bay, Lake Wanaka.

Another view at the same location

Yet another view of the same location

Great shots! I'd love to have such a panoramic camera too :D

Wow, salute to the idea. Nice shots :D

omfg... this franken-cam rocks!

well done! how did u manage to scan it?

now... if only u can built one with a digital sensor... ;p

A few pictures taken with YPAN in New Zealand. Film was some kind of Fuji Velvia.

Glendhu Bay, Lake Wanaka.

Another view at the same location

Yet another view of the same location

wowzzzer!!!! :thumbsup:

oh my gawd. awesome photos! i can literally feel the depth of the images!

omfg... this franken-cam rocks!

well done! how did u manage to scan it?

now... if only u can built one with a digital sensor... ;p

Let me guess, DIY glass negative carrier using anti-newton glass?

Why not digital sensor with liveview as well?;)

colour and resolutions looks really great.
I'll bet this will still look great printed to hang in a 1meter long photo frame.

everything looks upright...........the lack of any significant distortion is astounding

Me too, from the sample pics it its really a very "power"paranomic effect and I was really amazed by the sharpness of the lens and the focusing mechanisum works out very nicely!

geat job on the ypan, e905591s! Must really salute you for the efforts in sawing the two GSNs and putting them back together as 1.. I hope you had a great time using ypan on the recent crossing bridges 7 too!

Fuji Velvia film is indeed nice for this purpose! my 1st DSLR was a fuji!
Great shots! I'd love to have such a panoramic camera too :D

Let me guess, DIY glass negative carrier using anti-newton glass?

Why not digital sensor with liveview as well?;)

Actually the slides are scanned using a normal Epson V500 flatbed scanner with the original, rather flimsy film strip holder. But I suppose it does a pretty decent job.

This is so awesome!
You added a bubble level too, nice :)