Remember the pain? Thaipusam shootout.

A little more to share!





my roll of tri-x on d76 pushed to 1600




Hello there!

I think i spoke to you (albeit only a few words) with regards to your M9 : P

I was the fella using a Bronica and a M6 classic..i'm botak so not that hard to miss : P

Hello there!

I think i spoke to you (albeit only a few words) with regards to your M9 : P

I was the fella using a Bronica and a M6 classic..i'm botak so not that hard to miss : P

No not me...Wongsan is using the M9...I will look out for u next time...:)

Hmm...uploaded the film shots...Superia 1600 is cheaper and slightly finer grain than Natura 1600 in my opinion.

All shots with MP, 35mm Lux ASPH using Fuji Superia 1600 & Natura 1600

Superia 1600

Superia 1600

Natura 1600

Natura 1600

It is my first time meeting so many people. Thanks DoveVadar for organising. Didnt get the chance to interact with some of the people though.
Shot on Delta 3200 on Kiev 88 and IIIf. Though my images are not as outstanding as some of those posted here, hope to learn more!






It is my first time meeting so many people. Thanks DoveVadar for organising. Didnt get the chance to interact with some of the people though.
Shot on Delta 3200 on Kiev 88 and IIIf. Though my images are not as outstanding as some of those posted here, hope to learn more!

Great shots and images...classic vintage look:thumbsup:...hope to meet u next time for shooting fun.


Thanks guys!

Nice shots Gary and Thomas. I love your colors. There is seriously something about film eh? ;p

master Wong Fei Hong has some really nice FF digital images too!

Welspain, you need to change your fixer already ;)

Post more pictures guys. Im truely enjoying this thread and dont forget to state your camera, lens, film or processing details...