RED ALERT - for those who have shot alicia at esplande!!!

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Staff member
CSers, especially for those who have shot alicia at esplande.

some ARSEH**E stole someone's pic and leached it onto sggirls again. the leacher goes by the nick 10w40. pls go and check if dats ur pic and tell the sggirls mods. :angry: :angry: :complain: :mad2: :flame:

to whoever is the one who leached the pic.... u're a damned LOSER!!

Anyone know how to embed a digital watermark ?
so it will show regardless what treatment you put into it
[even screen capture?] :dunno:

I am also quite fed up w/ ppl stealing my pix and airbrushed my
copyright sign and yet .. still claim that the pic is HIS / HERS :complain:

which person would do this kind of thing???!!! sheesh... hey btw.. I think its better if u make ur picture not the size of your original so they can't steal... Sheesh, never thought there are people like this still... :nono:

wat to do?? there are losers out there who like to steal other people's work becos they are such lousy photogs.... ;(

anyway, there are digital watermarking software out there. just dat they cost a bomb!! i checked it out. mainly meant for commercial uses becos the watermarking company charges by the print.

how bout watermark your photo on the most complicated area of your photo... might help maybe if u watermark at a point where there are many leaves or somethng... will make the person think twice... maybe only.. just a suggestion.. there are always exceptions.

well there's always a risk posting on the web.......well we've got to live with it until there are some logical solution comes out,

till then..........

alamak... maybe we can use fineprint to convert photo to pdf file with password protection.

tis feller 10w40 really the photo titled 'STOLEN PICTURE' :bsmilie:

Is there a way to configure this portrait section such that the author can include who has the right to view his post? In this way, he can post it to only to those he think he can trust to view and yet reduces the chance of leeching??? Just my 2 cts.

its not fair n not right to steal people's pics... ;( :angry:

kirk said:
alamak... maybe we can use fineprint to convert photo to pdf file with password protection.

If the picture can be seen, a screen capture program can still be used to capture the image.

This type of thing bound to happen sooner or later. Best way to prevent leeching is to plaster your sig all over the pic in big white bold font. :D

Garion said:
This type of thing bound to happen sooner or later. Best way to prevent leeching is to plaster your sig all over the pic in big white bold font. :D

yeah... then u'll get a few clowns who will say "ur signature very distracting on the pic. can remove them?" :bsmilie:

Sad to say that this is not the first time this has happened, nor will it be the last.

We advise the affected members to email the Moderator of sggirls using the "Click here to report ..." link and request for the image to be removed.

As before, to avoid leeching the options available to members are :-

1. Do not post any images that are likely to be leeched - if you take sggirls as example, you can get a feel of what kind of images they normally display, needless to say, any female in a bikini or revealing clothing or provocative pose will be on top of the list.

2. Post images with prominent watermarks - these can be done quite easily with Photoshop actions and if done right, need not distract from enjoyment of the image nor would it deter members from providing useful critiques or feedback on the image (eg. lighting, composition, aesthetics, overall impact of image).

Obviously, being a photography forum and since we all like other people to view our efforts, Option 2 is advocated, thus we all need to start putting watermarks on our images.

Post insects.... you'll feel totally different if they were leeched.


nightwolf75 said:
CSers, especially for those who have shot alicia at esplande.

some ARSEH**E stole someone's pic and leached it onto sggirls again. the leacher goes by the nick 10w40. pls go and check if dats ur pic and tell the sggirls mods. :angry: :angry: :complain: :mad2: :flame:

to whoever is the one who leached the pic.... u're a damned LOSER!!

i wonder if programmers feel as strongly about people pirating their software...

ST1100 said:
i wonder if programmers feel as strongly about people pirating their software...

:bsmilie: :sweatsm: :bsmilie:

The simplest thing is not to post any photos that are critical to you online.

If your photos get leeched, then I guess it will be like a buyer beware situation. Whatever I post onilne is are not critical to me, so that is why you generally will not see any shots that I have taken.

Wonder will they post this in sggirls???


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