Recommendations of shoes for Broad Feet person

eejal said:
Thanks spree! Crocs ranges are rather limited. correct me if i'm wrong...

There are a few designs for you to choose from but you are right, the range is rather limited.

Does Broad feet and Flat Footed has relation to each other?

Does Broad feet and Flat Footed has relation to each other?

Not really some has both some only flatfooted. My daugther she's flatfooted also but not broadfeet. I have broadfeet but not flatfooted :) thanks why i ate those pointy shoes


Don't wear them too tight!

The best I got was from American eagle but they no longer selling now, now I am resorting to Nike and zara, adidas was the worst for me :(

Vibrams is the brand, i find them good cause its as good as barefoot BUT you need to stomach the design, its like wearing toesocks with a rubber sole

Something like this

Vibrams is the brand, i find them good cause its as good as barefoot BUT you need to stomach the design, its like wearing toesocks with a rubber sole

Something like this

Thanks for the correction. I didn't know they started making their own shoes.
But with that kind of sole, is it really comfortable? Looks thin and hard :dunno:

The best I got was from American eagle but they no longer selling now, now I am resorting to Nike and zara, adidas was the worst for me :(

i find Nike makes my feet sore even worst...

A sincere Thank You for all the wise replies I've gotten. I really appreciate the responses and suggestions given. I am grateful for the feedbacks ok guys..

I'm glad I asked the right questions and got many favorable answers.....and pics!!

:heart: you guys! lol..

now...I shall scour for Rockport first as I need a casual shoes for work and not sports shoes...