Questions on Digi-Cabi

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yah still 65% today...

hmm.... okay I will go try again!


Do you put any paper or cardboard stuff in it? If you do, turn the knob to 12 o'clock or higher until it start to reach 50%RH, then move the know to around 9 o'clock. You need to set the knob position according to the load and the size of the cabi. A new cabi will also need some "run-in", normally I will power on the empty cabi for about 24 hrs before loading anything.

The setting will depend on what you put inside, camera strap or other material that absord moisture easily will cause the RH to go up after you put it in. The RH will drop to a new value after the moisture is remove usually 12-24hr then you can fine tune it. Most of the setting I saw here is around 10 - 12 O,clock.

bought a AD 60 for over a week have let it stabilised hovering between the acceptable range 45%-55%

But yesterday after putting in the cameras and lens, the RH is always at 65% and its at about 8 o'clock position.

Is this normal? Will the RH eventually fall?
Bro, turn up to about 10 o'clock and check it again in about an hour's time. If still high, then 11 o'clock and so on and so forth. 8 o'clock is too low.

i always put to 11 oclock

This thread is great, with all the advice and what to expect. However, I'm not sure if my problem sounds strange to you guys. I just got mine on Sunday from Carrefour, the 30L, and nothing I've done seems to be able to get the humidity up. Currently, the dial is turned anti clockwise to the max and I have trouble keeping it above 30% with or without the A/C switched on.

I've tried opening the cabinet and letting the humidity rise to about 60%, then closing the cabinet. Even then, with the dial at 7 o' clock, the reading slowly but surely creeps back to ~30%.

Anyone experienced before? BTW, this is all with my gear inside.

This thread is great, with all the advice and what to expect. However, I'm not sure if my problem sounds strange to you guys. I just got mine on Sunday from Carrefour, the 30L, and nothing I've done seems to be able to get the humidity up. Currently, the dial is turned anti clockwise to the max and I have trouble keeping it above 30% with or without the A/C switched on.

I've tried opening the cabinet and letting the humidity rise to about 60%, then closing the cabinet. Even then, with the dial at 7 o' clock, the reading slowly but surely creeps back to ~30%.

Anyone experienced before? BTW, this is all with my gear inside.

anti-clockwise to the max.
sound like it is too dry ( approx 20% RH ???)
try this. turn the knob to 12 o'clock. and set accordingly.
It will be better if you re-stablise the whole units as per mention in the front part of this thread. (ie. switch off -> let it stable for a while ->put ur gears inside)

*visit this url for a fantastic product!


Posted a pic just to make sure I get it right.

In this current position, should I get highest or lowest RH? From what I understand from the manual, it should be highest RH. However, at this position, I'm getting 28~30%? Currently testing the other position, at full clockwise, "Lo".

No idea what to expect.

So most of the bros here set the knob at around the blue-green divider yes?


Posted a pic just to make sure I get it right.

In this current position, should I get highest or lowest RH? From what I understand from the manual, it should be highest RH. However, at this position, I'm getting 28~30%? Currently testing the other position, at full clockwise, "Lo".

No idea what to expect.

So most of the bros here set the knob at around the blue-green divider yes?

Try somewhere on the left side of 12... should be able to attain 40 - 50%


Posted a pic just to make sure I get it right.

In this current position, should I get highest or lowest RH? From what I understand from the manual, it should be highest RH. However, at this position, I'm getting 28~30%? Currently testing the other position, at full clockwise, "Lo".

No idea what to expect.

So most of the bros here set the knob at around the blue-green divider yes?

something wrong with your cabi.... at this position, it should achieve the highest RH 60-70%

Digicabi have 5 years warranty. Bring it to their service center for servicing

hi all, is camcorder safe to store inside dry cabinet?
can anyone advise :)

most of the bros here seem to set it to about 11 o' clock, think it should stabilise between 45-55%. hope everything works for you, my 30L is going nuts, going to 1-to-1 at carrefour if possible.

most of the bros here seem to set it to about 11 o' clock, think it should stabilise between 45-55%. hope everything works for you, my 30L is going nuts, going to 1-to-1 at carrefour if possible.

how long does the cabi takes to settle down the RH once i turn the knob

Did a 1-to-1 with carrefour, everything is well and good now. My marker is at about 12 o'clock. Humidity maintains at around 50%. Thanks zac08 and chalib for advice and such:)

Did a 1-to-1 with carrefour, everything is well and good now. My marker is at about 12 o'clock. Humidity maintains at around 50%. Thanks zac08 and chalib for advice and such:)

hi, how do u do one for one with carrefour? within 7 days and u brought the unit back? mine is the AD80, quite bulky to bring back if got problem. just got mine yesterday. :(

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