Problematic collegues!

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XXX Boy said:
My boss is not free to keep a constant lookout about the 2 fellows. That's why they can behave in such ways.

duh! a boss' job is not to constant lookout. They see bigger picture. Constant lookout is a job of kaypoh colleague. If after few months, the cost of any staff is not justifiable to the company's operation, boss will axe the staff, very simple mathematic. So you just stop worrying and just do your job well or even better.

XXX Boy said:
I may sound stupid to most of you because I wanted to resign when the problems does not lie in me.
I just feel really sick and tired of all their nonsense. They would always find excuses to stop running production so that they dun have to pack and can sit down and relax. They just dun bother about work and always wanted to escape from production and doing useless paperwork which is not even part of their job!
Advice pls....;(

If u dun mind I ask how old r u? From e sound of ur post, I dun think u r dat matured. A mature person will think rationally.

Y I said diz coz u blew up ur case here...

Quoted above - u mentioned "Not even part of their job"... So now I ask u izit part of ur job to monitor/supervise them?

If ur answer is no then u r juz makin diz story up... :dunno:

Hey! Don't make other people's problem become yours!

If it's because of their attitude that makes you want to resign, you're definitely at the losing side. Unless you can find another company that can let you unleash your potential more or more prospect, i'd suggest you stay at where you are.

Sometimes complaining to your boss will not help much. But offer him/her a good and sensible suggestion might put yourself in a more advantage position. Afterall, you're doing this for your company's sake - People will appreciate it.

Last time i may have the same thinking as you to resign but please don't.
who knows when you leave and they cannot operate machine,they tell boss you no teach.:bsmilie:

As the company is still new,i suggest you suggest to your boss to have a system whereby each week rotate between machine and paperwork.
Thus if the 2 can't produce anything in that week,they have to face the consequences.
If your boss after that still say wait and see,then your boss have problem.

from the way you mentioned you aer operator trainer, you been overseas training, asia or europe? how can you simply resign? i am sure you are bonded.

actually how old are you?

i guess you are still new to work life.
just 2 fellow and you already having problem and want to resign, you are losing.
if you are really holding a higher post than those 2 fellow, you still have a long long way go my friend...

If I'd you, I'll join them... As the old saying goes... join them if you can't beat them... :bsmilie: especially your bosses are so 'relax' over discipline issues and allow them to leave 15mins earlier everyday. Just do your part and don't accept any other extra duties without extra 'reward'. The problems don't just lies on the 2 colleagues, but also mostly with the poor management!

Btw do your have a english name? If not consider calling yourself 'harry'.... cos Tom, Dick or Harry makes a good team. :bsmilie: :bsmilie:

Sorry about the last part, can't help it as the names are really so funny.

zaxh81 said:
As the company is still new,i suggest you suggest to your boss to have a system whereby each week rotate between machine and paperwork.
Thus if the 2 can't produce anything in that week,they have to face the consequences.
If your boss after that still say wait and see,then your boss have problem.

:thumbsup: suggestion.

XXX_Boy, like the others, I would also suggest that you do not quit because of the 2 juniors. that is if you like the job you are doing now, like the company, the boss and other colleagues. No point quiting without finding another job, cause it is easier to look for a job if you still have one.

Do you depend on the 2 juniors to do your job & do they report to you and your friend? If so, then you have gotta work out the system whereby they get the job done. If you are the supervisor, then you have a responsibility to assign them meaningful jobs, which they have to complete. If not, then their supervisor have got to be the ones dealing with them.

There is always a need to work out the proper system to carry out the work.

Maybe your juniors do not like production, but is it part of their job. If not, why not change the workflow, where they do all the paperwork, and you and your friend handle the production. Afterall, it is about getting the job done, and not who is doing what? Of course, you must let the boss know the working arrangement.

You need to sit down together and discuss the best way to do the job. negotiate with your juniors and superiors.

sometimes working place is like that one lah take it easy happy or not happy still need to eat and sleep blar blar... unless you want to end your life. Old chapo new one come maybe worst who know right do your best be responsible to yourself then you will be happy. Do more will not die somemore you will learn more and get reward more, but do less sure kanna people curse like the 2 fellow you had mention, so don't worry be happy life go on.

If tom and dick are delegated with responsibilities and they did not fulfill that responsibility, they should bear the consequences. Unless you are delegated the task of overseeing their performance and also responsible for their results to the company, then you better do something, else just let them rot. Sooner or later, their bo chap behavior will effect the company and they will pay dearly for it. Take it easy. Make sure you cover and do well in your own area which is more important then what the two clowns are doing. Why are you so worried?

Many thanks to all that give me very nice feedback. I talked to my boss today about this and even tell my boss that I planned to quit. But my boss tell me not to quit and furthermore he say that he will spent more time in production to see what is happening to those 2.

XXX Boy said:
Many thanks to all that give me very nice feedback. I talked to my boss today about this and even tell my boss that I planned to quit. But my boss tell me not to quit and furthermore he say that he will spent more time in production to see what is happening to those 2.

Gald to hear that,even if you plan to resign,find a job first before doing soon.
And this should be the last solution should things not work out.

Take it easy,start your day happy and end as one.:lovegrin:

Hi XXX Boy,

Good to see that something may be happening your way.

Don't give up. We are not always lucky to get work we really like.

If it is possible for you and your friend to do not only your work, but Tom and Dicks also,
Then why not do it.

They will soon feel useless.

If they then do leave; ask your boss that YOU might find a replacement to ease the incredible ammount you and your friend are doing.

Don't give up.
If it comes to the point where you are about to resign, first think about how easy it will be for you to be replaced.

If you can be replaced easy and the same job is done (don't quit)

If you can not be replaced so easy, then tell your boss that your heart is there, but the supply of blood is being stopped by others.

Or something like that.

Good luck with whatever you do :)

Pablo said:
Hi XXX Boy,

Good to see that something may be happening your way.

Don't give up. We are not always lucky to get work we really like.

If it is possible for you and your friend to do not only your work, but Tom and Dicks also,
Then why not do it.

They will soon feel useless.

If they then do leave; ask your boss that YOU might find a replacement to ease the incredible ammount you and your friend are doing.

Don't give up.
If it comes to the point where you are about to resign, first think about how easy it will be for you to be replaced.

If you can be replaced easy and the same job is done (don't quit)

If you can not be replaced so easy, then tell your boss that your heart is there, but the supply of blood is being stopped by others.

Or something like that.

Good luck with whatever you do :)

Thanks bro! :lovegrin:

XXX Boy said:
My friend Jack and I work under a same company whereby there is 2 junior collegues (call them Tom and Dick) who like to behave like big-shot and always trying to avoid doing production and always hugging on doing paper-work. Since our company is very new there isn't any boss to monitor them (as the managers are all very busy).
Both Tom and Dick had no heart in doing work at all and they packed up and left 15 mins before actual time. My friend and I are very pissed off with those 2.
We had actually complained to our boss many times liao but our boss told us to bear with it. Now is that my friend really cannot take it anymore and wanna resign tomorrow. I also planning to resign too... :(
Can anyone pls advice me how to deal with them?

OMG...u 2 wan to resign becos of 2 production workers snake ard? Tot you and your fren are supervisor? What if ur next company also have "snakes" ard? :what:

tell your boss that u will take a month leave or something which leaves them to manage the operation. if they cant perform, they will have to answer to the boss. that will give them some stress.

if you cant beat them then join them......... life is short dun because of this small thing make your life diffcuit...... who know they will change after you join them ? ;p

for your infor every company will have this kind of people one lah.......

NMSS_2 said:
tell your boss that u will take a month leave or something which leaves them to manage the operation. if they cant perform, they will have to answer to the boss. that will give them some stress.

IMHO, anyone who are in the position to threaten the boss by taking 1 month leave, won't be bothered by 2 hrm... "juniors" who you think are idling.

Wake up! It's 2006!

dun leave la, u leave cause the situation is not bearable to u , but wat makes u think that the next company's working situation is any better ?

i am also incharge of staffs n really some dun bother to noe or think thru , so i gave them a manual, n list the things for them to noe , after i train them, i tick against those list and then come year end and benchmark their performance to it.

I gave them a standard to work with , i may seems to be spoon feeding them, but then they dun even bother to write notes for their tasks.

we will all not be around some time in the future , so getting them on their feet the sooner makes the whole situation lot more better lor.

Stylus C34 said:
IMHO, anyone who are in the position to threaten the boss by taking 1 month leave, won't be bothered by 2 hrm... "juniors" who you think are idling.

Wake up! It's 2006!

fantastic! which word coined "threaten" :dunno: ? it is the year 2006.... so what concept/advise do you have to offer that is up to date? suffer in silence or leave for better glory?

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