Pro = high end equipt?

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JediForce4ever said:
I still dont understand why people buy a higher end DSLR when they dont even know the basics of photography(not saying that I'm good)....and I also dun understand why people always think that DSLR can always take good pictures...even on auto....I mean if he using D50 or 350D on auto, can understand....but a 20D??:think:

Maybe its a fictional story.... I don't know of any 20D users who would do that....

JediForce4ever said:
I still dont understand why people buy a higher end DSLR when they dont even know the basics of photography

Not everyone can drive a Porsche upto their max limit, but they still buy it.
Same reason .. status and I got the $$$ .. so what ? :D

JediForce4ever said:
I still dont understand why people buy a higher end DSLR when they dont even know the basics of photography

I buy equipments "better" than my "skills" for several reasons.

But the main reason is this. If my images suck (actually very often!), I know for sure I cannot blame my equipments.

Therefore, the problem must surely be me!

think someone in CS said this b4.

get all the top of the range equipment.
if ur pic still sux, u have only yourself to blame.

sounds crazy, but its true...

student said:
I buy equipments "better" than my "skills" for several reasons.

But the main reason is this. If my images suck (actually very often!), I know for sure I cannot blame my equipments.

Therefore, the problem must surely be me!
but at least you know how to shoot and you are at a cretain level already...that guy...from his action can already tell that he cant shoot for nuts....

Buying things is a different issue.

People buy the things they can afford. Some may just buy it and keep it in their dry cabinet to rot. No one should begrudge others for owning expensive stuff, they probably worked hard to afford it. They are only doing themselves a disservice if they don't maximize it, not others.

One need not justify his purchases other than to himself.(or maybe his wife:D)

All things are relative.
Some pple with lesser cameras like a D70/D100 may think that a guy with a D2x who shoots mediocre pictures doesn't deserve his camera. But there is probably someone else holding a digicam or basic film SLR thinking the same thing of you.

Be happy with what you have, why compare and give yourself angst?

Zplus said:
Maybe its a fictional story.... I don't know of any 20D users who would do that....

When he first look at me with such look, I was thinking.. Ok lor, you got a 20D, maybe you want to show me you got the $$ plus the "skill".. I'm only Pns.... But the things he do next is a shock to me....

You all have never see people go to stadium etc and take photo meh.
All also use flash what, P&S or not. Maybe ISO also set to the lowest. :bigeyes:

clarinet said:
When he first look at me with such look, I was thinking.. Ok lor, you got a 20D, maybe you want to show me you got the $$ plus the "skill".. I'm only Pns.... But the things he do next is a shock to me....

Dennis said:
You all have never see people go to stadium etc and take photo meh.
All also use flash what, P&S or not. Maybe ISO also set to the lowest. :bigeyes:

Yah lah. I often see people flashing Sydney Harbour Bridge and Opera House at night.

I told myself maybe they knew something I didn't know of.

They might be laughing at me with a camera mounted on a tripod.:bsmilie:

student said:
I buy equipments "better" than my "skills" for several reasons.

But the main reason is this. If my images suck (actually very often!), I know for sure I cannot blame my equipments.

Therefore, the problem must surely be me!

The popular belief is to buy equipments "worse" than your "skills" so that you can boast how good a photographer you are. :bsmilie:

Sion said:
The popular belief is to buy equipments "worse" than your "skills" so that you can boast how good a photographer you are. :bsmilie:

those people who believe that obviously don't know the pain of being limited by the equipment :sweat:

Zerstorer said:
Buying things is a different issue.

People buy the things they can afford. Some may just buy it and keep it in their dry cabinet to rot. No one should begrudge others for owning expensive stuff, they probably worked hard to afford it. They are only doing themselves a disservice if they don't maximize it, not others.

One need not justify his purchases other than to himself.(or maybe his wife:D)

All things are relative.
Some pple with lesser cameras like a D70/D100 may think that a guy with a D2x who shoots mediocre pictures doesn't deserve his camera. But there is probably someone else holding a digicam or basic film SLR thinking the same thing of you.

Be happy with what you have, why compare and give yourself angst?

Very good quote! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Malakite said:
Hi guys, i'm a little peeved, so i might rant a little here. I'm just an amatuer in photography, i do it becoz i love it. My equipts aren't fancy, just a prosumer class cam and external flash, I use a Coolpix 8700 with an attached battery pack , the MB e5700 and sb 80 (i call this my machiam-pro camera = like pro.

On a recent saturday evening i was asked to shoot for a church event ( think dinner and dance, ballrooms and all that)

Everything was going well until the point where the guest of honour was supposed to give out some awards. This other Photographer armed with a D2x suddenly appears out of no where and starts shooting, that's fine it's free world. I dun care. I continue doing my job, and then he makes this tsk tsk sound everytime i shoot.

Finally i turn and ask him what's the matter? Am i blocking you? i can move if u ask nicely. that sorta thing. He answered back, aiya u come here for wat? Waste time only, you're only using a point and shoot, what can u come out with?( by that i take it he means wat i can produce) and your stupid flash not strong enough , it's spoiling my photos. Can you get lost can?

(Well at this point in time , i was wondering if my insurance company would cover certain damages to my camera that was cause by blunt force trauma.) But i digress, i told him nicely, or as nicely as i could, "Sir what every the case might be, I'm the designated photographer for tonight, so pls, keep your comments to yourself."

Then he gones on to accuse me of lying about my qualifications to get this particular gig. I'm like wat? The client, knows very well what equipt i use and my back ground. And now, every time i try to frame a shot, he comes and stands in front of me, blocking my way. Everytime he does it i tell him politely to move , you're blocking my shot. He tells me to go home small fry, You cannot compete with me.

I'm barely inches away from hammering him into the carpet, when the Mc finally notices, He asks me if there's any problem, i point to the rude fella and say ya, he's blocking. (the MC of the nite was a fren of mine) The MC tells the fella, Sir please step back from the stage and let our photographer do his work, over the mike by the way which meant the whole ballroom heard.

The stubborn fella take one step backwards and stays there. I give up, i do wat i was paid to do. After the awards ceremony, is the dance item, ppl on stage, stuff like that, entertainment. I'm doing my work, taking shots of the dancers and the bugger comes back and says to me eh, you play enough already or not? The PRO wanna shoot!

At this point in time..... i was like watever man... do wat ever u like... i've got wat i needed to shoot, the important stuff . You can go on thinkin your the pro...

I mean geez... so ur camera cost soooooooo much more then mine... so wat? That make u a pro? Bullsh@t man... with that kinda attitude i mean WTF MAN?!??! Looking down on ppl becoz his equiptment is not the most ex...

(side note, i spent the rest of the nite shooting with my holga, wonderful, i skived off his flash, no need to use mine.)

hi dude, no need to feel bad...indeed...a real pro doesnt measure by his is just a tools...a lot of top photographer only use full manual or rather consumer level camera (check if u don believe), i support you cos a good photographer is determined by his skill..not tool. expensive camera by if you don noe how to use, it is a big waste of resource.

well..on that occassion you could just grab a glass of water from the desk and pour it to his so call "pro" camera or just shower the camera-lens to his little "Axx".


clarinet said:
So wat with high end equipt.... ever seen someone with 20D while i'm there with a nikon4600, Yes I don't have DSLR, only SLR plus dun want to waste $$ develop film. He look at me with an eye of " You use PnS to shoot night scene ah..hahaha."

What he do next is a joke... He use his both hand to stable his PRO D20 and when he released the shutter.... I see flash going off... What the... night scene of the city landscape on ECP with flash... :think:

When he din see my flash going off, he ask, " no flash can mah... so dark here" :sweat:
Someone with a PnS knowing the basics compared to one holding Professional level equipment who doesn't even know what the hell he is doing.

Do tell us if he modified his flash to turn it into a Bright Beamer with a Guide Number 9,999,999 to light up the entire scene. :thumbsup:

To add on, I had also seen ppl snuffing me (when I'm camera-less sitting by Esplanade feeling the wind with a bud) with their PnS whilst taking photos of the waterfront scene with their Bright Beamers turned on despite me hinting very obviously to them thru my friend that if u're holding a PnS, turn off the flash for goodness sake.

Those poor sods just dun understand and just keep firing shot after shot looking sadly at their LCD screens. ARGH.... :sweat:

Sion said:
Yah lah. I often see people flashing Sydney Harbour Bridge and Opera House at night.

I told myself maybe they knew something I didn't know of.

They might be laughing at me with a camera mounted on a tripod.:bsmilie:
Or how abt the horrors of seeing a fellow Singaporean, presumably a fellow enthusiast, sitting in the same tour bus with u, putting his camera to the window and den seeing the flash firing as he tried to take a picture of Opera House in purple lighting and despite ur best intentions to signal him discreetly not to fire his flash, he just keeps doing it? :eek:

Kimura_papaya said:
hi dude, no need to feel bad...indeed...a real pro doesnt measure by his is just a tools...a lot of top photographer only use full manual or rather consumer level camera (check if u don believe), i support you cos a good photographer is determined by his skill..not tool. expensive camera by if you don noe how to use, it is a big waste of resource.

well..on that occassion you could just grab a glass of water from the desk and pour it to his so call "pro" camera or just shower the camera-lens to his little "Axx".

Much as we all scream in our head, "80% of the work is done by the Man behind the Camera. The Cam actively helps u by showering the features that the Man needs"

But lets face it, there are ppl who still think:
- More is merrier (camera salesmen touting cameras that boasts 20MP that costs like $300 will be very happy)
- Bigger is better (those with LFs lets celebrate!)
- Big = Pro (den every single mothers son of us here are Pros regardless of our skill level)
- Looks powerful must be powerful

How many times do we go out, take photos and our friends or relatives who sees our cameras all say, "Wah, camera so Pro." rather den, "Wah, Photos so Pro." instead? ;)

jsbn said:
Someone with a PnS knowing the basics compared to one holding Professional level equipment who doesn't even know what the hell he is doing.

Do tell us if he modified his flash to turn it into a Bright Beamer with a Guide Number 9,999,999 to light up the entire scene. :thumbsup:

To add on, I had also seen ppl snuffing me (when I'm camera-less sitting by Esplanade feeling the wind with a bud) with their PnS whilst taking photos of the waterfront scene with their Bright Beamers turned on despite me hinting very obviously to them thru my friend that if u're holding a PnS, turn off the flash for goodness sake.

Those poor sods just dun understand and just keep firing shot after shot looking sadly at their LCD screens. ARGH.... :sweat:

they look sad at their LCD but your poor eyes hurt

what a *******...

i have seen a lot of people like that.. carrying high end equipments but no skill at all.. They can't even use other feature from the camera except for "P".. hehehe

Remember "skill n art of seeing is what make a photo"

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