Pre-order of K10D

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That is why I said CCD is the current winner at the moment. CMOS in itself without the patented technologies used is inherently more noisy. Until the others learn what Canon is doing with their CMOS or they find ways to do it themselves, they will continue to use CCD.
Of course, with new technologies today, CMOS is a whole lot quieter than many years back when it was a third rate camera solution.

I believe even for canon, in itself, the noise of their CMOS is still higher than that for CCD but by not much. Hence its lower manufacturing cost is a plus for Canon's margins.
They rely more on their latest generation Digic3 processor engine to remove the noise but yet able to maintain image sharpness.

so to sum it up ccd had better noise crtl than cmos? except for the price........

Good news for those waiting for K10D. I emailed Shriro & this is their reply.

Hi xxx xxx,

K10D is expected to arrive at the end of Nov.


Best Regards,
Marketing Executive
Consumer Electronics Division

I'm pretty fascinated by the "pancake" lenses... :)

Did they give a projected/guess-timate RRP?

Wow i can't wait for the K10D. Been wanting to upgrade my old DS.

waa waa wee waa

cant decide if to get k10d and/or d2h

My loins are tingling... When can we get this camera? Any exact date instead of a vague "end of the month" timeframe?

My loins are tingling... When can we get this camera? Any exact date instead of a vague "end of the month" timeframe?

Well it's right now still a "vague end of the month" ............ I suggest that in the meantime you go to G****** to settle of your tingling loins.............:bsmilie:

While the K10D specs looks good, I'm not putting much hope that the agents can get no more than a handful for Sitex much less Christmas. Unfortunately Pentax as a company has been very slow off the mark in bringing to market their products. Even for the K100D, while the camera has a good spec and image quality, the camera came out too late when everyone has already moved beyond the 6 megapixel mark. Hopefully the K10D will help Pentax overcome the "too little, to late" issue and leapfrog over their current rivals. But then back to the question, where are the cameras?

Am waiting for dpreview to have a full review on this cam. The spec looks good, but wonder how's the performance and compare to N and C.

heng ah my budget is only good for a k100d if not bang those hanging stuff in between my loins!!!!!

holy cow! you can buy the K10D now through Vpost...
I was doing a search for pentax stuff and this appeared.
it says the K100D and 50-200mm lens was too low to be displayed but if you click "add to shopping cart", it will show US$599. the shipping cost is less than S$50! That means a K100D for under a $100o and shipped by singpost, so there is peace of mind with the shipping.

holy cow! you can buy the K10D now through Vpost...
I was doing a search for pentax stuff and this appeared.
it says the K100D and 50-200mm lens was too low to be displayed but if you click "add to shopping cart", it will show US$599. the shipping cost is less than S$50! That means a K100D for under a $100o and shipped by singpost, so there is peace of mind with the shipping.

Look closely for the K10D
Release Date: January 15, 2007 (In 61 Days)
Shipping: Eligible for Super Saver Shipping
Availability: Not yet released

The other issue to consider is warranty. It doesn't help to have US warranty.:think:

heard from J&J USA at about US$799(body) and 899(with a kit lens). but not confirmed.

heard from J&J USA at about US$799(body) and 899(with a kit lens). but not confirmed.

Then the "Kit" lens should not be 18-55 lah.
$100 USD for a kit lens is not attractive.

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