Photoshop/Elements course in Singapore?

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Funny thing....I called NAFA and they told me we do not do Photoshop courses and yes we tried google, but was looking for any tried and tested course that members here had been on, as I thought it was a know share experiences etc :confused:
At NAFA she was a local so could well have been wrong and would possibly need to ask a manager for the correct answer.
Senior Member here means you are over 12 years old I presume only? I had heard that many people on here acted like smart arses, but kept an open mind until I tried myself....would have been nice to prove them wrong...not to worry ;)

FYI, Photoshop element is very elementary, not sure is there anyone conduct course for this.

as for Photoshop CS, you can check out the Photoshoots and Workshops

or this,

[h=3]APRIL [ KNOWLEDGE BOWL ] - ADOBE Photoshop CS5 for Photographers (Level 1),22nd April[/h]

btw, I did not attend any course on photoshop, I borrow books from National Library, surf the net for free tutorials, in Adobe site, Youtube and many other site.

most members here are doing the same,

but many will be very willing to pay a premium to some Gurus conducting advance technique workshop on special topic on photoshop, usually this is during the convention for professionals.

hope this answer your question.

Personally, I think its a waste of money unless you need some advanced instruction.
Lots of resources on youtube and internet.

Furthermore, trying out yourself, you will remember better than just sitting down listening to a lecturer "talk about it".

My few cents

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peterhone said:
Anyone know a class for photoshop/Elements in Singapore?

If you interested to learn online, is the best choice. They have tons of online e-learning courses about photoshop, lightroom and workflows.

It's based on monthly subscription.

Thanks to all the positive people for the help, exactly what I was looking for.
To all the smart arses...i.e the 'how to google' smart arse...try looking for courses in 'open-mindedness' or even 'how to grow up' as you may be a senior member....and where I come from 'member' is a slang term for a male part of the body and yes you fit the bill to a tee...Have a nice day!

I had actually attended a photoshop CS4 course about 2 years ago at OG building (opposite SLS).

The course fee was paid for by my employer as I always help out in photography during our office events.

I also feel that it is quite a waste of money as one can learn from youtube as there are quite a few people that give really good and easy to understand tutorials, eg. justthisgood

I was previously using Elements 5 and when I upgraded to CS5, wow, it seems much easier to use and can do a lot more.

Just my 2 cents.

i feel sorry for you, but if one ever need a 'How to Google' course, we all know which 12-yrs old smart arse to look for.

Thanks to all the positive people for the help, exactly what I was looking for.
To all the smart arses...i.e the 'how to google' smart arse...try looking for courses in 'open-mindedness' or even 'how to grow up' as you may be a senior member....and where I come from 'member' is a slang term for a male part of the body and yes you fit the bill to a tee...Have a nice day!

Really? I told you they're a waste of money, that there are built in tutorials that are good and free resources all over the web. And in exchange you resort to personal attacks? And then you call others "12 years old" and "male body parts"?

i feel sorry for you, but if one ever need a 'How to Google' course, we all know which 12-yrs old smart arse to look for.

When are you conducting your course?

a public meeting place for open discussion - Forum
That's the other thing I had been warned about also about this site....Senior Members are never wrong ;)
So your indirect smart ass answer about google is ok....but my straight to the point is not??
Not everyone is as smart as you...some are pragmatic and prefer to be shown, some are ill disciplined and find sitting at a computer trying to learn incredibly boring....preferring to be shown how to learn stuff with experienced personnel doing the showing....face to face....thats why I suggested a course in open mindedness....;)

peterhone said:
a public meeting place for open discussion - Forum
That's the other thing I had been warned about also about this site....Senior Members are never wrong ;)
So your indirect smart ass answer about google is ok....but my straight to the point is not??
Not everyone is as smart as you...some are pragmatic and prefer to be shown, some are ill disciplined and find sitting at a computer trying to learn incredibly boring....preferring to be shown how to learn stuff with experienced personnel doing the showing....face to face....thats why I suggested a course in open mindedness....;)

Where is the 'like' button? ;p

On a more serious note, I bot myself a copy of the PSE9 for Dummies (no pun intended) and find that its actually pretty useful. Advantage over classroom based teachings is that i can refer back again n again as and wen i need to. Just my 2 cents worth.

Looking back through the posts, unless I am is 'On Topic'?
Who is that comment aimed

Looking back through the posts, unless I am is 'On Topic'?
Who is that comment aimed

comment is aimed at EVERYONE ( from posts #1 to #14 there were 6 off topic comments by both sides )

thread closed

have a good day ...

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