Photos taken by Pentax cameras for tech. discussion - Season VII

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perfect shot, with reflection somemore. :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:

Oceanprient, absent without official leave.. Where have you been for so long?

What happen to all the beautiful nyonya portraits?


Recent cityscape...


CBD Sunset (Feb 2016) by Ken Goh, on Flickr


A nice meal after the Audax by jenkwang, on Flickr
How hard is it for a guy to get 3 stamps on a white card?

Took the Q7 with 01 prime with me on an Audax.
Too bad I forgot the fisheye which would have been the best option shooting on a bicycle.

Wow nice sharing.

hehe... so OTC also share his macro techniques also hehe.

Tot macro outing we share on this subjects. There are a lot of macro experts here..;)

Its about lightings, settings , and prospecting for availability of bugs.. and composition of subjects and environment being still....

20160224-2016-02-24-14.51.12 ZS retouched-2.jpg my by young hing, on Flickr

one more shot to share here..
