Photographers getting the rap again?

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I recently visited the Wonderfest(Winter) in tokyo and i must say they are extremely organised/disciplined to queue up to take shoots at the cosplayers.

That should be implemented in singapore. I wish for it to happen. it gives everyone a good chance to shoot from a good position.
Yes though the Japanese are really hardcore otaku to the bone, they are incredible polite and disciplined when it comes to taking photos at such events. :thumbsup: Singapore photogs should learn how to behave from them!

Here's an e.g how they go about shooting. This was taken in Akihabara district by well known anime blogger Danny Choo. Notice the organised and neat ranks and respectful distance from the subject, no pushing, no shoving, no blockage, almost military style! ;p


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Guys heads up, another Cosplay performance at Plaza Singapore this weekend...this time must behave hor. :)

BTW, Marina Fashion Fest also started this week....dun know want to touch that rusty ladder or not. :think:

Guys heads up, another Cosplay performance at Plaza Singapore this weekend...this time must behave hor. :)

BTW, Marina Fashion Fest also started this week....dun know want to touch that rusty ladder or not. :think:

ahaaa... not only shoot the cosplayer. shoot those photog who misbehave and post it in the forum.;)

anyway, enjoy the COSPLAY performance, but pls uphold the image of photog.

Yes though the Japanese are really hardcore otaku to the bone, they are incredible polite and disciplined when it comes to taking photos at such events. :thumbsup: Singapore photogs should learn how to behave from them!

Here's an e.g how they go about shooting. This was taken in Akihabara district by well known anime blogger Danny Choo. Notice the organised and neat ranks and respectful distance from the subject, no pushing, no shoving, no blockage, almost military style! ;p


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so how is ours like ? :bsmilie:

Guys heads up, another Cosplay performance at Plaza Singapore this weekend...this time must behave hor. :)

Maybe this is one way to "remind" them to behave? just mask out the face so as not to start a flame war but the guy himself will know it's him :think:

I dunno man, some TKPs think that taking armpits is a form of art. If I post the pic up, 80% will prob know who they are.

pls lor...its ART ....ART..... some also admit they take angles diff from others..becaurse its ART!!!:bsmilie:

if u gona post, at least blur the background abit...i hate snap shoots...:bsmilie:

not all the time.. depends on what is available for them to shoot. :bsmilie:

sorry. OT, plus NSFW

While I understand where you are coming from and if you link is not from a porn website. It is perfectly ok to post.

However the website you link is considered a porn site and here it is deleted and a major infraction is given for violating CS term of use.

This is also a reminder to other members to observe CS term of use. Thank You

Yes though the Japanese are really hardcore otaku to the bone, they are incredible polite and disciplined when it comes to taking photos at such events. :thumbsup: Singapore photogs should learn how to behave from them!

Here's an e.g how they go about shooting. This was taken in Akihabara district by well known anime blogger Danny Choo. Notice the organised and neat ranks and respectful distance from the subject, no pushing, no shoving, no blockage, almost military style! ;p


Picture credit:

i think that photo of the japanese shooting is when its quite unofficial you only see this type of shooting on streets. The wonderfest i went to they queued up in a single file one after another. And those damn queues so long that you can be put off.

errrr, so if u go to cosplay or any events and didnt shoot what will you get, i mean will your reputation at stalk. Or ur website will be so call be deleted :dunno: :confused:

its just how orderly people can wait for their turn. japanese really does it well that what i'm trying to say.

errrr, so if u go to cosplay or any events and didnt shoot what will you get, i mean will your reputation at stalk. Or ur website will be so call be deleted :dunno: :confused:

I am puzzled too, but it's 'cause I do not understand what you are trying to say.

:confused::confused: me too :bsmilie: layman term die die must shoot, no shoot can die :bsmilie:

Oh thats what you meant. I guess it is a case of trigger-happy camera owners, cross-bred with typical kiasu-ism. The product - alleged "photographers" present at the cosplay events.

As wat some mate say if the organiser kind enough to let us shoot, we shouldn't go overboard. if this black sheep photogs happen a few time, and things get out of hand. i think the shopping malls will barred photography soon. Then there will be a limited places to shoot.

This goes to the SFF, as a reminder to all, please dun block to passage to the entrance to the Show in marina square, if the people there ask u to shift then kind move ur butt. No use talk back to them, they control the show later SFF will barred photogs soon.

Things must give and take. Marina Sq and Vivo City is kind enough to allow photography dun let them barred us.

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