Photogenic Locations

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hi all,

I know that it is possible to find subjects in almost anywhere. But would like to just compile a list of the most photographed locations in Singapore.

So please contribute:

(1) The location
(2) Its strengths and weaknesses
(3) How to get there
(4) Estimated time to spent


Singapore City Skyline. :D

Originally posted by Mouse
hi all,

I know that it is possible to find subjects in almost anywhere. But would like to just compile a list of the most photographed locations in Singapore.

So please contribute:

(1) The location
(2) Its strengths and weaknesses
(3) How to get there
(4) Estimated time to spent


Wah ur avatar veri the cute leh...ur pet ham ham ah???

Avatar? I thought the image is for self-portrait???!!?? :embrass:

Kranji Reservoir

Strength: calm waters, port, breakwater, war relics, numerous birds (ergets, kingfisher,...), portraitures of old people scrolling in the parks.

Weaknesses: Macro Close-ups and night scenes.

How to Get There: car. Bus, dunno...sorry

Time spent: 6 hours++

Anyways, I normally shave everyday so nobody can tell that a giant ham ham is closeby....u know very dangerous, the zoo wants me, the press needs me, and photographers like you can't get enough of me!! :D

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