Photo - turned out to be dark


New Member
Jan 6, 2013
Camera: Fuji XT1
Settings: A
All dial to : auto

The picture turn out to be dark. May I know how to make it bright when I shoot?

Remove his umbrella :)

Try using spot metering and use the center to meter.

Jokes aside, u can also try the following:

- Creating light, or
- Dialling up on the exposure compensation, or
- Use spot metering, or
- Move in closer to frame only the sheltered area

pt 2 and 3 will probably overexpose the bright areas hence pt 4.

+1 what bobojo said.
You can also just lift the shadow area a bit in post processing.

Personally I'd use a combination of increasing exposure compensation slightly as well as lifting the shadows slightly in post processing.

Exposure compensation dial use +0.3 or +0.7. Can see from your viewfinder before taking picture.

Jokes aside, u can also try the following:

- Creating light, or
- Dialling up on the exposure compensation, or
- Use spot metering, or
- Move in closer to frame only the sheltered area

pt 2 and 3 will probably overexpose the bright areas hence pt 4.

thank you so much everyone. i am going to try to adjust the Exposure next time. But may i know what is "SPOT METERING"? I go through the menu, i can't find spot metering? are you talking about

my camera setting ( is it ok)?
BKT/ADV setting
BKT select dynamic range bkt
AE BKT +1/3
colour 0
sharpness 0
highlight tone 0
shadow tone 0
mount adaptor setting 50mm
shoot without lens off
may i know is my setting ok ?
ISO BKT +1/3

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This looks fine. With a single shot I don't think you can get everything well-exposed. You either blow out the surroundings or you end up with an underexposed shadow area.

Nothing some simple PP can't correct:


should i set the setting to JPEG’s+RAW or RAW
should i shoot in P or A

i am really confused. a new toy to me.. and i am lost.

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should i set the setting to JPEG’s+RAW or RAW should i shoot in P or A i am really confused. a new toy to me.. and i am lost.

Shooting in raw only helps in that u are able to recover more details in PP later, one strength of Fuji is their sooc JPEG colors ; making shooting raw prob a waste (in this sense la)

Go for A mode, read up on Aperture and Exposure adjustment and practice and practice and u should be able to handle most situations already.

To me P mode is just like auto mode, and using auto mode on such s camera is honestly .. A waste. ;)

But may i know what is "SPOT METERING"? I go through the menu, i can't find spot metering?

It's the dial under the shutter speed dial.

I've never touched an XT-1, but that's what a couple of seconds on google told me :)

See 1m 27s mark of this video:

Take the manual out of the box (or download the pdf), see pg 53:


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noted Keith. Yes I will learn in A mode and keep on practice and practice.

It's the dial under the shutter speed dial.

I've never touched an XT-1, but that's what a couple of seconds on google told me :)

See 1m 27s mark of this video:

Take the manual out of the box (or download the pdf), see pg 53:


Thank you very much for your help. I am going to read.

thank you so much everyone. i am going to try to adjust the Exposure next time. But may i know what is "SPOT METERING"? I go through the menu, i can't find spot metering? are you talking about

my camera setting ( is it ok)?
BKT/ADV setting
BKT select dynamic range bkt
AE BKT +1/3
colour 0
sharpness 0
highlight tone 0
shadow tone 0
mount adaptor setting 50mm
shoot without lens off
may i know is my setting ok ?
ISO BKT +1/3

Before you dive into settings I would suggest going through some basic photography tutorials, such as:
- Exposure triangle
- Metering
- Bracketing
- Depth of Field
- White Balance

The XT1 does require some knowledge on the technical side of photography. Only then you can understand what settings are used for which situations. Of course, don't just read. Experiment with the settings since you have the camera in your hands.

Jokes aside, u can also try the following:

- Creating light, or
- Dialling up on the exposure compensation, or
- Use spot metering, or
- Move in closer to frame only the sheltered area

pt 2 and 3 will probably overexpose the bright areas hence pt 4.

This looks fine. With a single shot I don't think you can get everything well-exposed. You either blow out the surroundings or you end up with an underexposed shadow area.

Nothing some simple PP can't correct:


To TS,
I agree with bobojo and edutilos-,

you can't have everything in perfect exposed in the same frame some times, as the lighting won't be same brightness in everywhere.
as you can see the man and his goods are in the shade, yes you can use spot metering, exposure compensation, but is either the man exposed properly and everywhere else overexposed, or just like your shot here
Yes, of course you can fix it in post.

upon looking at this photo, may I ask this what is the subject in this photo? what you try to tell your viewers?
if the exposure can be perfectly like the way you wanted it.
so what is the message in this photo? anyway to improve the composition? angle? framing?

Yes bobojo, I will experiment . Now the XT1 is always with me where ever I go.

you are right, i must learn the angle/ exposure. maybe i should stand on the right or stand under the umbrella. but shy la.. dare not go closer to him. scared uncle scold me. that is why i stand so far. i will practice more. learn more. thanks for all the information.

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View attachment 4949
Camera: Fuji XT1
Settings: A
All dial to : auto

The picture turn out to be dark. May I know how to make it bright when I shoot?

...well, as per our PM and agreed:), hence, the 'Fill-Flash' effect shot as shown below for your reference...and hope that's what you've been looking for...?;)

***Do PM me if you need any further guidance...;)

What film simulation are you using?

...well, as per our PM and agreed:), hence, the 'Fill-Flash' effect shot as shown below for your reference...and hope that's what you've been looking for...?;)

***Do PM me if you need any further guidance...;)
The degradation of image quality is understandable, but the uncle is now brighter than rest of the scene... :bigeyes: Especially his motorbike.

The degradation of image quality is understandable, but the uncle is now brighter than rest of the scene... :bigeyes: Especially his motorbike.

...of cos, as already stated this is a 'Fill-Flash' effect and not go by multi, centre or spot metering method of exposure results...thus, brighter or dimmer is up to individuals' 'taste' to tune for the 'fill-flash' effect...;)...hence, the difference and things/subjects that's nearer of cos there's a different to some distance subjects:)

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