Photo Thread for Pentax Jul Outing - 18Jul -Sunrise at Marina Promenade

Been absent for Pentax outing for quite sometime . Glad that I was able to join yesterday and saw many old friends around . Hope to join in for the next few outing . Ok guys , time to hang up homework.

-My 1st Pentax Outing 2015-
-Street of Shenton Way-

Shenton City Street by Simon Teo (supersimon27), on Flickr

This is nice Simon! Really like the composition and look. Should consider doing one with Pentaxians and their cameras! :)

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Simon, thanks for starting the thread.

Great turn out and the most important thing for me was being able to meet and catch up (sad only by a bit) with so many old faces.
Edutilos, Simon, Richard, etc do join us more often. :)

I was glad to meet new faces as well, like Dura, whom, I've been most impressed with his rapid improvements over about just 1yr (really fantastic work, keep it up!)
Zaren too (hope you got that winning shot, I really like that one with the jogger and the CBD as bkgnd)

The group shot.

20150718-DSC05102 by jenkwang, on Flickr

I hope that those who wanted to ask Bernard regarding pano and filters got a chance to do so.
Anyway, he's a familiar face enough for the outings, so there's always other outings to talk to him.

Nice and big group, jenkwang! I see even Edutilos is also there.. When you mentioned Richard, you not referring to me, right? I was busy this time round, so can't join in. So not surprised no one knows who I am..haha Where is Fengwei? :)

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Came late for the outing but good to meet friends once again.
Took out my under used Pentax Q.

by D Lim, on Flickr

Nice one Denis! Was wondering where you were in the photo. The Pentax Q can still hold its own but I do hope that pentax will consider releasing a 1" sensor camera in the same tiny format! That would be awesome. :)

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Thanks All for a Great Outing with many numbers of Pentaxians !
Got Panausaurus advise from WongLP , here are the first Panos.




Thanks All for a Great Outing with many numbers of Pentaxians !
Got Panausaurus advise from WongLP , here are the first Panos.


Well done.

Great to catch up with all...

Look like all have different angles or shots for the day. Do keep the photo posting ongoing.
Need to find time to look through mine, though i only have one angle :X.

Well done.[/QUOTE]

Thanks ! But not planned shot!
it was pure luck that the "tourist" guy was there at the right times, at the right places , Haha!
I was just trying to test WongLP advise that one can take as many numbers of shots and join into one pano,
7 vertical shots joined into one.

Wow all got great shots. This is really a great outing....thumbs upz

Been absent for Pentax outing for quite sometime . Glad that I was able to join yesterday and saw many old friends around . Hope to join in for the next few outing . Ok guys , time to hang up homework.

-My 1st Pentax Outing 2015-

Pentax Outing MSB 2015 by Simon Teo (supersimon27), on Flickr

-A fishy perspective-

Fisheye MBS by Simon Teo (supersimon27), on Flickr

-Street of Shenton Way-

Shenton City Street by Simon Teo (supersimon27), on Flickr


Abstract Art by Simon Teo (supersimon27), on Flickr

-Fullerton Interior-

One Fullerton fishy by Simon Teo (supersimon27), on Flickr​

nice shots, simon. one of the landscape guru here.



"and this is the famous MBS that has been shot 1,000,000 times....."


Pentax 645....dun play play.


poison session


jk prepares to shoot the city skyline

Ok, I shook your hand, first time meeting you in our pentax gathering. welcome, welcome, cos we gather often, almost every month.


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Thanks JK for organising this outing as well as for the kind words! 不敢当不敢当 :bsmilie: Was nice meeting everyone as well. It was a fun outing. @Philip hope you managed to get a satisfactory panorama :)

Some of my shots for the day

Not quite perfect but this was the railing horizon thing I was talking about @JK[/CENTER]

Your shots are crystal clear! What lenses you use? and any PP?

I'm like looking at this shot and saying to myself..... "Wah!... got boat meh? "
Certainly goes to show that it pays off to wander around for new angles.

Agree this is a nice secret angle! Must try next time.

We almost walked the same route, but this is certainly something I did not notice.
Its always nice to see shots like this.
That everyone walked about the same route but each shooter will manage to find a shot that is his own.

There was no water when I was there last time... I agree with Bernard that to use a fish-eye might produce interesting photo.

so many nice shots, great catching up with some old and made some new friends too, sorry had to leave early.

here's my contribution, with Ricoh GR & wide angle converter.

Compared with other shots, this one I believe was at the best second of the morning! Nice!