Photo Thread for Pentax Jul Outing - 18Jul -Sunrise at Marina Promenade


Senior Member
Jan 20, 2010

Been absent for Pentax outing for quite sometime . Glad that I was able to join yesterday and saw many old friends around . Hope to join in for the next few outing . Ok guys , time to hang up homework.

-My 1st Pentax Outing 2015-

Pentax Outing MSB 2015 by Simon Teo (supersimon27), on Flickr

-A fishy perspective-

Fisheye MBS by Simon Teo (supersimon27), on Flickr

-Street of Shenton Way-

Shenton City Street by Simon Teo (supersimon27), on Flickr


Abstract Art by Simon Teo (supersimon27), on Flickr

-Fullerton Interior-

One Fullerton fishy by Simon Teo (supersimon27), on Flickr​

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Simon, thanks for starting the thread.

Great turn out and the most important thing for me was being able to meet and catch up (sad only by a bit) with so many old faces.
Edutilos, Simon, Richard, etc do join us more often. :)

I was glad to meet new faces as well, like Dura, whom, I've been most impressed with his rapid improvements over about just 1yr (really fantastic work, keep it up!)
Zaren too (hope you got that winning shot, I really like that one with the jogger and the CBD as bkgnd)

The group shot.

20150718-DSC05102 by jenkwang, on Flickr

CBD Inclined by jenkwang, on Flickr

I hope that those who wanted to ask Bernard regarding pano and filters got a chance to do so.
Anyway, he's a familiar face enough for the outings, so there's always other outings to talk to him.

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Great start Simon..... Thumbs got a big group.

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great shots, simon and jk!
jk - too bad the runner photo doesn't really fit the theme of "SG50 celebration", so will probably head down to Marina Bay area again from 7-10 Aug to shoot again :)


setting up the cameras




Pentax friends


kena blocked

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"and this is the famous MBS that has been shot 1,000,000 times....."


Pentax 645....dun play play.


poison session


jk prepares to shoot the city skyline

Thanks Wong Lp for tips in learning landscape.. Many landscape guru here n nice catching up too.. Super simon, have not seen u for a Long time already.


Thanks JK for organising this outing as well as for the kind words! 不敢当不敢当 :bsmilie: Was nice meeting everyone as well. It was a fun outing. @Philip hope you managed to get a satisfactory panorama :)

Some of my shots for the day

Not quite perfect but this was the railing horizon thing I was talking about @JK​

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Been absent for Pentax outing for quite sometime . Glad that I was able to join yesterday and saw many old friends around . Hope to join in for the next few outing . Ok guys , time to hang up homework.​

Really nice fisheye shots!​

Simon, really nice shots! 士别三日,当刮目相看!Actually you have been always good!
I missed a few outing. Really nice to see old friends! Thanks for JK for the efforts!
IMGP7891_副本 by Hai Ming Tang, on Flickr
IMGP7875.JPG by Hai Ming Tang, on Flickr
IMGP7887_副本 by Hai Ming Tang, on Flickr
IMGP7906_副本 by Hai Ming Tang, on Flickr
IMGP7936_副本 by Hai Ming Tang, on Flickr

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Thanks JK for organising this outing as well as for the kind words! 不敢当不敢当 :bsmilie: Was nice meeting everyone as well. It was a fun outing. @Philip hope you managed to get a satisfactory panorama :)

Some of my shots for the day

I'm like looking at this shot and saying to myself..... "Wah!... got boat meh? "
Certainly goes to show that it pays off to wander around for new angles.

so many nice shots, great catching up with some old and made some new friends too, sorry had to leave early.

here's my contribution, with Ricoh GR & wide angle converter.


Thanks Wong Lp for tips in learning landscape.. Many landscape guru here n nice catching up too.. Super simon, have not seen u for a Long time already.


welcome Marcus, i learn macro tips from you too! Nice 50 shots stacked!