Pentaxians Gathering in Early May?

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Tommorow is the gathering ! [/SIZE][/B]

I'll leave my hp number here, just in case you can't find the gang on the DAY:
FENG Wei (or Frank if you prefer), 94281380

Art2d2 (or Arthur), 90731126

Date : 17th May 2008
Time : 9am
Shoot Location : Beach road/Arab Street/Kg. Glam area
Meeting Location : Bugis MRT (Citibank area), at 9am sharp !
We will walk from Bugis MRT to Beach road/Arab Street/Kg. Glam area.

1. art2d2
2. fengwei
3. Zenten coming ?
4. hjbyeo (anywhere would be fine)
5. flowerpot
6. snowywolf
7. C. Lai
8. Darren
9. lkequan (will join if time allows. Try my best, no promise)
10. thinkhardhard (newbie here. prefer location 2 & 4)
11. Gigahz
12. liveevil (newbie too....but yeah exam over can join in and have fun)
13. creampuff
14. Skypacker. May be good to coincide the meet with any interesting photography-friendly event that's on that day. As a bonus we can scare the standard C & N crowd with the unexpected sea of Red...Pentax Invasion!
15. Gengh (1st time meeting you guys!)
16. knyghtfall81 - only guy who still can't afford a DSLR
17.) TrailSeeker
18) Benloke
19) OTC
20) istDeS
21) seefei
22) woonsin
23) teruranse
24) Achmadi ( Hope I can make it in the morning, just got a food culinary invitation from one best friend at the same day )
24) Limited
25) Danst

Added Limited to the list and my contact just in case you can't find us. I will be bringing a non-Pentaxian friend along, so we can poison him haha.[/QUOTE]

If anyone got lens to spare then I'll join u guys as I dun have any lens yet... =(

judging by the number of ppl there probably there will be close to 100 lens out there... :bsmilie: u will have a hard time choosing 1... just come with ur camera... im sure there will be someone willing to lend u... else u can borrow mine ;)

am going to send my parents off at the airport first.. will join u guys later.. (Feng Wei bro, will msg ya okies to find out where u guys are)

OTC, you'd be there tmr right? got to pass u the lens.

hopefully i'd also recover from my flu in time..

Ok, then I'll be there tomorrow! Seeya guys! So are all of u wearing red??

Tommorow is the gathering ! [/size][/b]

I'll leave my hp number here, just in case you can't find the gang on the DAY:
FENG Wei (or Frank if you prefer), 94281380

Art2d2 (or Arthur), 90731126

Date : 17th May 2008
Time : 9am
Shoot Location : Beach road/Arab Street/Kg. Glam area
Meeting Location : Bugis MRT (Citibank area), at 9am sharp !
We will walk from Bugis MRT to Beach road/Arab Street/Kg. Glam area.

1. art2d2
2. fengwei
3. Zenten coming ?
4. hjbyeo (anywhere would be fine)
5. flowerpot
6. snowywolf
7. C. Lai
8. Darren
9. lkequan (will join if time allows. Try my best, no promise)
10. thinkhardhard (newbie here. prefer location 2 & 4)
11. Gigahz
12. liveevil (newbie too....but yeah exam over can join in and have fun)
13. creampuff
14. Skypacker. May be good to coincide the meet with any interesting photography-friendly event that's on that day. As a bonus we can scare the standard C & N crowd with the unexpected sea of Red...Pentax Invasion!
15. Gengh (1st time meeting you guys!)
16. knyghtfall81 - only guy who still can't afford a DSLR
17.) TrailSeeker
18) Benloke
19) OTC
20) istDeS
21) seefei
22) woonsin
23) teruranse
24) Achmadi ( Hope I can make it in the morning, just got a food culinary invitation from one best friend at the same day )
24) Limited
25) Danst
26) Ishou80 (Super Newbie...pls be patient with me...)

OK all those who's on the list, me included, better stop surfing on CS and go and sleep early. :bsmilie:
Don't forget to charge those batteries and load up on the SD cards...
See you all tomorrow and pray for good weather.

I wanna join also. (also first outing for me and first time meeting with you all)
But i don have pentax red, and any red OK?

Oh bugger.... Just finished work...
Haven't bathed yet... :(

sorry guys, need to withdraw from the gathering cos i got work tml morning :( you guys enjoy yourselves!

am going to send my parents off at the airport first.. will join u guys later.. (Feng Wei bro, will msg ya okies to find out where u guys are)

OTC, you'd be there tmr right? got to pass u the lens.

hopefully i'd also recover from my flu in time..

Just sms me when you are coming :)

Go and get some sleep, hope you'd feel better tomorrow ...

am going to send my parents off at the airport first.. will join u guys later.. (Feng Wei bro, will msg ya okies to find out where u guys are)

OTC, you'd be there tmr right? got to pass u the lens.

hopefully i'd also recover from my flu in time..

me too just on medication, will be there and be calling fengwei. Oh ya, Voigtlander? Tks.


I dun have the Pentax red so I'll wear liverpool jersey instead since it's red in colour. =P

I wanna join also. (also first outing for me and first time meeting with you all)
But i don have pentax red, and any red OK?

I dun have the Pentax red so I'll wear liverpool jersey instead since it's red in colour. =P

Not necessary to wear red lah..just wear something you comfortable with.:D

I don't have a pentax red. But maybe i will wear Olympus blue.. to stand out in the crowd. :bsmilie:

I can't believe it, I forgot to turn my alarm on, and completely overslept! I feel like such an idiot.... ;(

Hope you guys are having fun, seems like weather is quite nice.

I can't believe it, I forgot to turn my alarm on, and completely overslept! I feel like such an idiot.... ;(

Hope you guys are having fun, seems like weather is quite nice.

What a pity! You missed a fun party ;)

Hi guys,

What a gathering! First time so many Pentaxians got together. Obviously we had a lot fun together. Sorry I had to leave the party abit earlier ...

Anyways, here is the gong (I'll try to add matching names and nicks later on):

Pity we got two guys (including me myself :() w/ closed eyes, and we didn't have chance to take another shot :(

Oh well, there is always another time :D

Okay guys, please post your photos of the day, here or at our dedicated photo thread.

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