Pentax owners gathering?

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Yes whether oldie or newbie, guy or gal, all are welcome. :)
knyghtfall81, unfortunately I've passed my K10D to my nephew on a somewhat long term loan, so I can't lend you an extra digital body to play around. But please bring your film camera along.

Thanks for the offer - will bring my film camera. I've managed to borrow a canon 350D on a semi-regular basis, tried it out sometimes - but i still pref my old film camera. heh.

Billitone - sure thing! tho the functions are pretty basic tho, and you can't see the result til much later.

Wait, which Friday night is it?

When, where? It's not today, right? =D

No, not today. It is Friday, 1 June. A week from today.
Can all who intend to come give some suggestions for a good place to meet - some cafe or place we can sit. Starbucks outside City Hall MRT?

Wah, Monday already... 4 days more to the meetup.

Friday, 1 June 7.30pm - Raffles City Starbucks.

Hi Dennis, hope you don't mind the change. Just want everyone to see the time/venue for the meetup ;)


Will try to be present with my Father in law. He has been Pentaxian for 30 years.
I always have been Pentaxian but got my first one since february. ;-).

Maybe vulpix0r will come too with his 300mm that I would like to try.

Almost missed this posting...
I will try to attend (needs to see if my wife let me go... :embrass:)
Anyone got DA 10-17 or Lensbaby can let me try? ;p
I can bring my DA40 and Sigma EF500 DG Super if anyone's interested... :sweat:

I might go to the PC Show on Friday. Pity you guys are meeting up in the evening. Otherwise I might be able to join as well ...

Have to go home early nowadays :(

Fengwei, understand your situation. Anyway, those who are planning to buy a Pentax at the PC Show can pop by and join in too!!! (but you might need to charge your batteries first...) :bsmilie:

Fengwei, understand your situation. Anyway, those who are planning to buy a Pentax at the PC Show can pop by and join in too!!! (but you might need to charge your batteries first...) :bsmilie:

Buy k100d so you can use AA Batteries so you can use it at once ;)

Will be going for the meeting too! looking fwd to getting pointers from u all. seeya all there.. eh who else is going?

Sorry won't be able to make it. Hope you guys & gal(s) enjoy yourself:)

Will be going. Bringing Pentax K 18mm, K 150mm along for others to try.

I will love to come because I just got my K100D!

But unfortunately i will be going M'sia for diving then.

Looking forward to the next meetup! :)

Good news! I might be able to join you guys for the gathering too :cool:

Hope to meet some Pentaxians that I haven't met yet :D


Just hope that place isn't fully packed on a weekend evening ...

If too packed, can consider f-stop near boat quay. it's a photographer's cafe. :)

Let me see if i can join you all or not after work....

Are you all going for shoot out after that?

Wah, Monday already... 4 days more to the meetup.

Friday, 1 June 7.30pm - Raffles City Starbucks.

7:30pm is a bit too late, don't you think?How about meetup at 7:00pm instead? I think I'll be there by 7:00pm anyway...

If too packed, can consider f-stop near boat quay. it's a photographer's cafe. :)

Let me see if i can join you all or not after work....

Are you all going for shoot out after that?

I'm going to agree with staad3. I would rather go f-stop at boat quay, not so noisy, and more conducive environment for a meet. Plus got yummier stuff!:sticktong

I'll be there about 7pm tomorrow.

As to location, was unsure if everyone is familiar with Cafe f-stop and Raffles City is a pretty central place. Anyway I asked for suggestions early on in this thread, but no suggestions put forward till late... We can decide on a better location for the next meet-up.

See you all tomorrow.

Anywhere's fine with me; and anytime.

Will probably be going there to shoot some IR in the area - haven't done St Andrew's Cathedral yet anyways.. :bsmilie: So will be there early. Hrm.

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